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бля, вот не давно это было или тебе так дохуя парней подкатывают
ну ты ж баранула меня офца
А хто ты,я хочу знать
вот ты писец, а ты мне нрава
А хто ты
Как ты относишься к критике?
Обидно,конечно,чувствуешь себя ущербом,когда не можешь нормально даже картоху почисть,но после всей критики твоей работы ,ты исправляешь все недочеты,и получается у тебя не картошечка,а отнаждаченный лысый из бразерс.
А есть какой-нибудь на примете ?( симпатичен кто-нибудь?)
охота парня:::??:??:?
О чём ты думаешь, когда смотришь в зеркало?
«Сама брава баба на всём билом свити»
вот ты игнооор………..
парень есть у тя?
тупен..ая ? это про статус «сказал люблю женись……
люблю тебя******
сказал люблю- женись
Женись хуле
че страницы восстановила?
че страницы удалила?
надо было
и ты этим гордишся
еще бы
Какое блюдо ты готовишь лучше всего?
дошик от души завариваю
хурму? курну в урну
Жопу не рви,мне плевать,ты не интересен мне
голова у тебя из цыплят, ответь по уму
купи шаурму
морковка,воу!!!! а она какая должна быть
Из цыплят
что, для тебя, главное в носке?
че за тупые вопросы спрашивайте норм
Бля,братуха,от души
и что жи?
Что мне плевать
Рассказ по английскому о своем хобби.

Интересы занимают далеко не последнее место в непринуждённой беседе. Но как грамотно ? Есть несколько хитростей, которые помогут сориентироваться. И, конечно же, лучше быть готовым к данной теме заранее. Подумайте, чем вам нравится заниматься, используя подсказки из этой статьи.
Как рассказать о хобби на английском? ПодсказкиКаким же хитростям стоит следовать, чтобы понять, как правильно рассказать о хобби на английском
1) Хорошее начало – это уже половина дела. Можно воспользоваться одним из следующих предложений.
1. I can’t imagine my life without… – Я не могу представить мою жизнь без…
2. You won’t believe but I really enjoy… – Вы не поверите, но мне действительно нравится…
3. Actually, I’m keen on… — На самом деле я увлекаюсь…
2. I’m fond of… — Мне нравится…
3. … is my favorite pastime. — … моё любимое времяпровождение
4. I’m interested in…
— Меня интересует…
5. When I am free I tend to… — Когда я свободен, я имею склонность…
6. Most of all I like… — Больше всего мне нравится…
2) Убедитесь, что вы знаете английский вариант увлечения. Если нет, то выучите его, чтобы не упасть в грязь лицом во время подобной беседы. Ниже прилагаю самые распространённые увлечения.
1) игра с друзьями, 2) рыбалка, 3) рисование, 4) езда на велосипеде, 5) езда на велосипеде, 6) актёрское мастерство, 7) отдых в кемпинге, 8) шитьё, 9) гребля, 10) просмотр телевизора, 11) садоводство, 12) пеший туризм, 13) вязание, 14) коллекционирование монет, 15) плавание, 16) игра в карты
3) Чтобы рассказ был интересным для собеседника, поделитесь тем, как вы впервые попробовали какое-то увлечение. Может быть, вас кто-то вдохновил заняться именно этим хобби? Чем оно вас привлекло? Советуете ли вы его другим?
Не забудьте, что употребление глагола like в рассказе о хобби имеет свою специфику. Важно применять следующий после like глагол с окончанием –ing ,
когда вы делитесь общей информацией о своем любимом времяпровождении.
a) Anton likes playing football.
b) Monica likes going to the cinema.
c) They like spending free time outside all together.
I have several hobbies and each of them is equally important to me. First of all, I cannot imagine my life without learning foreign languages. It’s so interesting to compare English with Spanish, Russian with German and so on. I have found out that there are a lot of English words in my native language too. This idea makes me look for more common features and share them with others. It’s wonderful to understand foreign music and popular movies.
When I have some free time, I tend to embroider something. This helps me relax and I seem to inherit it from my grandma.
Reading is my third favorite pastime. It’s a good idea to read before bedtime to focus on something different from work and get ready to sweet dreams!
У меня несколько хобби и каждое из них одинаково важно для меня. Прежде всего, я не могу представить свою жизнь без изучения иностранных языков. Это так интересно сравнивать английский с испанским, русский с немецким и т.п. Я выяснила, что в моём родном языке тоже много английских слов. Эта идея побуждает меня искать больше общих моментов и делиться ими с другими. Понимать иностранную музыку и популярные фильмы – прекрасно.
Шаблоны для построения фраз
- I like drawing.
- I love reading.
- I like travelling.
- I am interested in in music, art. (Я интересуюсь музыкой, искусством)
- My interests include reading, cinema.
(Мои интересы включают чтение, кино)
- I am fond of horses. (Я люблю лошадей)
- I enjoy gardening. (Мне доставляет удовольствие заниматься садоводством)
- I am crazy about skateboarding. (Я помешана на скейтборде)
- I prefer active rest: tennis, swimming. (Я предпочитаю активный отдых: теннис, плавание)
- I adore visiting museums. (Я обожаю ходить в музеи)
Примеры построения фраз
- I like sport: tennis, aerobic, swimming. I play the piano (guitar). I am interested in art.
- I love music, dancing, movies (кино), pets (домашних животных). I like to read (читать), travelling (путешествия).
- I like nature and animals (природу и животных). I like cooking very much (я очень люблю готовить).
- My interests include (мои интересы включают) skiing (лыжи), walking (прогулки), reading, travel, computers, museums (музеи), art galleries (галереи искусств), music, culture (культура), history (история), art (искуство), gardening (садоводство), dogs (собаки).
Некоторые виды увлечений, интересов
- Popular Music — популярная музыка
- Classical music — классическая музыка
- Movies — кино
- Theater — театр
- Dancing — танцы
- Sports — спорт
- Occult / UFO — оккультизм, НЛО
- Animals — животные
- Fine Art — искусство
- Politics — политика
- Business / Finance — бизнес и финансы
- Science / Technology — наука и технологии
- Health / Fitness — здоровый образ жизни, фитнес
- Auto — автомобили
- Fashion — мода
- Gaming — игры, а также деловые игры
- Cooking — кулинария
- Basketball — баскетбол
- Football — футбол
- Tennis — теннис
- Astrology — астрология
- Playing cards — играть в карты
- Playing an instrument — играть на музыкальных инструментах
- Reading — чтение
- Chess — шахматы
- Shopping — люблю побродить по магазинам
- TV — телевидение
- Traveling — путешествовать
- Словарь: описание увлечений, интересов, хобби, любимых или привычных занятий
I enjoy horror movies and books especially Stephen King. I love tenpin bowling, playing darts, watching ice hockey, swimming, and attempting to line dance!
Ideally for home entertainment love to challenge on the playstaion, cards, over a few beers! Out and about dancing, being wined and dined socialising with friends, going to giggs(varied tastes).
Who am I? Well that»s simple I love the arts — music, theatre, museums and I also love to dance and keep myself fit so that I can do. I love to be at one with nature walking in the countryside where I do most of my thinking. To sum myself up — I love all beautiful things whatever that may mean.
I enjoy all sports associated with water — skiing, sailing, diving, snorkelling (in warm waters). I am extensively travelled but not too jet lagged to try far flung destinations with the right man. Classic cars are a bit of a passion (yes, I»m probably a bit of an anorak).
Snow skiing in the French Alps is a must annual holiday for me — I am prepared to teach a «first-timer».
I love cooking and entertaining — especially on warm summer evenings having dinner outdoors or even in the garden is my ideal summer occupation. All aspects of art and music interest me from Proms in the Park to The Waterboys, 18th century prints are a favourite along with pen and ink drawings — all of which I scour antique shops looking for a bargain — hate to pay real price for anything.
Going out to the theatre, ballet or opera is another of my interests and am as happy in a posh frock as in a scruffy t-shirt and jeans painting my garden railings….
I love socialising, going out for meals, drinking, travelling, or quiet nights in with a good film snuggled up on the couch — preferably not on my own.
My interest cultivation of flowers, design of wear, swimming.
My interests are very different. There are many things I would like to deal with. I like reading and watching good films, as well as opera and jazz. I am extremely fond of dancing, painting and art. I like acute senses and beauty of nature, communication and travelling.
I like cooking, reading and travelling very much. I have visited already some
countries, but I hope to visit much more. I adore cars and driving, long walks with
my friend and of course, music (guitar, piano, syntesateur etc)
I like nature, animals,especially dogs and horses. I like aguarium and aquarium fishes. I like sports. I go in for shaping. I like to go for a walk, to go fishing and travelling. Also I like to communicate with my friends and my children. I read books and sometimes I go to the theatre.
I like driving and dancing. I go to featness-club, study foreigns languages.
I am fond of reading books, sport, traveling. I speak English not very good but I try to go my best. I enjoy to spend my free time with my daughter, son we have a lot in common.
I love nature, pets, culture, movies, music, romantic walks with beloved man, evenings with candle light,beautiful sex with my beloved man…. During my free time I like go outdoors, reading, to listen to classic and modern music,to decorate my home and to dream, may be,about beautiful romance WITH YOU?!
In my free time I like to paint, to compose some music and of course to know more
interesting things. Also I like to travel but not all my life and with the person who
will be my second part. And I like to spend the time on nature, because most time I
spend with computer (as a programmer)
I love go to the movies, theatres, concerts, art museums. I enjoy nature and going to the camping, hiking, travel, sport. I like moonlight walks, candle light dinners.
I like new meetings, wild nature walking, dancing. I love to travel very much, I love to feel the another»s countries and cities, I like a sea, wind and surf, stars, sky, yet all will not list. I have a good sense of humor. I like fashion, arts, design, movie, cooking, sports, learning something new. I enjoy Life.
I like LOTS of things — I like to socialize as it helps me to understand life and
other people better, I like travelling as it broads my outlook, I like kind and
sincere people, animals, different types of music, sinema , theatre, watching sporting
events. I love spending time with small children and I»m interested in psychology.
My sphere of interests is rather wide, I like reading, watching good films, music, dancing, travelling and nature.I am fond of cooking and I am going for sport: aerobics, swimming and others.
I think that some featers are not so important, the most important is the person, individual with his nature & soul. We all have merits & demerits & haven`t the right to judge. I don`t like only lie & betrayal.
I like swimming in the sea, dansing. Fond of classic music, jass (live sax and piano), rock, ballet, arts, travelling. Have great interest to eastern phylosophy, so want to visit Tibetan monastery.
I go in for sports (jogging, mountain climbing, shooting…), learn languages, love to explore culture and history of other countries, good literature, movies, rock»n»roll, blues.I like all kinds of outdoors.
I am interesting in literature, music, sport, culture of another countries. I like the
aeroplanes, sports cars. I am very in realationship. I have many friends. I like to
ride very much.The horses are my real passion! I am swimming.I very like to travel.
I like to read, theatres, art. I like to sing and to paint. My favorite sports are ball-room dances, swimming, billiard. I like to travel.
Популярные новинки, скидки, акции
Перепечатка, публикация статьи на сайтах, форумах, в блогах, группах в контакте и рассылках НЕ допускается
Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?
- Тренажер ОГЭ и
- тренажер ЕГЭ
будут тебе в помощь! Удачи!
I have lots of hobbies and, honestly speaking, I can’t choose one. I adore each of them: reading, writing, dancing and travelling.
First of all, I am keen on reading. Since the time I learnt how to read I remember myself reading every evening. I am a big fan of classic literature and fiction. My favorite books are “Great Gatsby” and the Harry Potter series.
I am also keen on writing. I practice every day and hope that I will write a book one day. I have won some local competitions where my works were represented and I am really excited about it.
Another hobby of mine is travelling. I have already visited 27 countries and I wish I could visit all of them. That is why I am planning to take a gap year after school and do some volunteering job in some countries.
Dancing is my passion. I can’t live a day without doing some physical activity. I prefer modern dance especially contemporary. I have classes several times a week but I also go to the gym to keep fit.
So no matter how many hobbies you may have. The point is to enjoy what you do. And I can say that I love everything that I do.
У меня много увлечений и, честно говоря, я не могу выбрать что-то одно. Я обожаю каждое из них: чтение, писательство, танцы и путешествия.
Прежде всего, я люблю читать. С тех пор, как я научилась читать, я помню себя, читающей каждый вечер. Я большая поклонница классической литературы и фантастики. Мои любимые книги — это “Великий Гэтсби” и серия историй о Гарри Поттере.
Также я люблю писать. Я практикуюсь каждый день и надеюсь, что однажды напишу книгу. Я выиграла несколько местных конкурсов, где были представлены мои работы, и я этому очень рада.
Еще одно мое хобби — это путешествия. Я уже посетила 27 стран, и хотела бы посетить все. Именно поэтому я планирую сделать себе «пропущенный год» после школы и заняться волонтерской работой в некоторых странах.
Моя страсть — это танцы. Я не могу прожить и дня без физической активности. Я предпочитаю современные танцы, особенно контемпорари. У меня занятия несколько раз в неделю, но я также хожу в тренажерный зал, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме.
Поэтому не важно, сколько хобби у вас может быть. Самое главное — это наслаждаться тем, что вы делаете. И я могу сказать, что я люблю все, что делаю.
Полезные выражения:
To adore each of them — обожать каждое из них (хобби)
To be keen on sth. — Увлекаться чем-то
To be a big fan of — Быть поклонником чего-либо
To take a gap year — Взять «пропущенный год»
To keep fit — Держать себя в форме
I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. That’s why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: Such as reading detective stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. It’s not only interesting, but also very useful. When you try to solve the puzzle you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and this unites us very much.
Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs. Some people like to cook, others like to knitter sew. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only «wasting time» as some people say.
Computer games make us to think things over proper-ly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is…
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
Spare Time, My Hobby
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long that they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it’s even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, and a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass away their free time. Nowadays people spend ours watching different informational, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are listening to the radio, reading books, painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of quite rambles or walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters. Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those who take got really interested in some field of activity, which has become something favorite and admired. A «hobby» is a special interest or activity that you do in you free time off. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits or go fishing. They train dogs to do tricks or keep pageants to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or rare tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or their motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster.
Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps or postcards or pictures of a favorite football or pop star. Many people make things as a hobby. I have several hobbies which occupy me after school, both in and out of the house. Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework. Everyday I have not much time to relax. In that period I usually rest after hard school day, listen to music, watch TV and videos, read books and magazines. Computer is one of my main hobbies and interests. I choose computer technology as one of my options and now I study in Belarussian State University in that field of science. Sometimes I play games to relax. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in World Wide Web. I use Internet for educational process, for finding special technical literature in different subjects and of cause for fun. I have a great number of web friends and we like to spend a lot of time talking to one another.
Also I have great interest in computer programming. Moreover I have big collection of cd-disks and records. They include reggae, pop, classical, jazz, easy listening. My mum always telling me off for putting my hi-fi on too loud. Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. It keeps me fit and happy. I can say with confidence that reading is my favorite hobby. Books brings pleasure and delight. Besides books help to mould a persons character from his moral values. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly and of cause books is the richest source of information. Sometimes my friends and I exchange opinions about books, speak about them, exchange books. Among my favorite gainers are fantasy, philosophy and technical literature. I think that hobbies and interests are an important factor of life. They help to form person, to relax and forget problems for a short while. They can be fun, educational, satisfying and also you can pursuer them when you are old and retired.
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to waste it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. People can choose everything from sport to spending a good time in the country according to desires. And there are a lot of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. And activity is much better then doing nothing. The most active way, in my opinion is go in for sport. You can do sports all the year round because there are a lot of kinds of sport for all seasons. Basketball, Football players are always on stadiums. And in winter a lot of ski-walkers occupy the snowy slopes and skaters walk on ice of stadiums and icy rivers. Moreover it can be risking sports, which is more exiting to do. Doing such kind of sport you feel that our life doesn’t stay it’s going forward. Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. Because they often have interesting ideas of spending free time and it’s much better to spend free time with them. Nowadays music occupies the most part of people’s mind among teenagers especially. People communicate according to their music tastes. They visit disco clubs, concert halls to listen music and to dance. People also have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth. Some people say that theatres are not popular nowadays but I think that a lot of people still enjoy the play of actors and marvelous productions of plays. And our theatres are world known. Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human. Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a genre according to your mood and read whatever you want. From magazines and papers you know the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology. But technology is developing so fast that such way of getting information becomes old. With developing of Internet information is available in each point of earth.
Moreover it’s a way of communicating with people.
And people all over the world sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Children spend a lot of free time playing computer games. And statistic shows that 70% of users of Internet are teenagers. But some people prefer to go to a country to breath fresh air and resting or travel somewhere. Traveling becomes more and more popular. People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing. And all resorts are full in the time of holidays. As for me I think that the most exciting leisure time spending can be all activities like sport or traveling somewhere with friends because I never feel bored with my friends. For example every holiday I go somewhere with my best friend from Moscow. And we always have a good time wherever we go. And I think that everyone can find an occupation. Maybe in some countries people have more opportunities for recreation because of the new inventions or another factors. But I think that each man can travel everywhere and try each way of spending free time. Moreover the city where we live give us a lot of places to go. And from day to day the number of places of interest grows. But the only thing that is necessary for citizens is fresh air and little islands of nature. People need to walk in the parks that become more and more rare. In spite of this people always can find a way to spend leisure time. Because our world is full of new interesting and exiting thing that every man want to explore.
A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time. It is something done entirely for pleasure. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is known that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous amateur painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other objects d’art. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
As for as I am concerned, I was always fond of collecting stamps. My mother had started collecting stamps long before I was born. She gave me her six albums of stamps as a birthday present when I was twelve. Then I continued collecting stamps myself. It helped me to learn a lot about other countries and other peoples’ traditions, the world’s fauna and flora. I used to bring the albums to school and sometimes exchanged stamps with my schoolmates.
About a year ago my parents bought me a tape recorder and I decided to collect tapes. I am fond of listening to music. I like rock and pop music and classical music too. Now I collect tapes of my favourite groups and singers. I also try to find out everything about the singers I like. I read specialised magazines and try not to miss musical shows on TV, because I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I write letters to some fan clubs in other countries, so I have to brush up my English. I never miss a concert by my favourite group if they come to our city.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.
Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.
Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well — built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.
My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
1. What is your hobby?
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you choose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
Мое хобби
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день.
Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол.
Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться проигрывать, а это не всегда легко.
В моей любимой поговорке говорится «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.
Leisure time
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests. Teenagers unite in specific organisations.
The first organisation that brought together thousands of teenagers in different countries was that of the Scouts. The aim of this association was originally to train boys in various different skills such as lighting a fire and to develop their character. Now the Scouts are active all around the world. The motto of the Scouts is «Be Prepared.» After the October Revolution a similar Pioneer organisation was created in Russia. The Pioneers were supported and sponsored by the government. Now the Pioneers do not exist in our country.
The Scouts and Pioneers were the first, but not the only organisations of the young people. For example today the volunteer movement is extremely popular among the teenagers. It dates back to the year 1921, when a French soldier decided to restore a German house after World War I free of charge. The movement flourished only in the late 1990s when young people of Europe and the United States went to different parts of the world helping local communities to solve their problems. Today volunteerism is very popular in American community and political life. Volunteerism implies assisting people through privately initiated agencies. Volunteers do not receive any salary for what they are doing, but at the same time their work is highly motivated. They react very quickly, immediately coming to help to whoever may need it. There are several types of volunteer work: workcamps, mid-term and long-term volunteering projects. Any young man from any continent can come to workcamps. These camps attain certain objectives in social, ecological, archaeological fields. Usually all works are done under the supervision of professionals. The mid-and long-term projects usually concern the social sphere. They include assistance to children, old people, crippled or immigrants. Volunteer fund-raising groups unite to help the needy in all spheres. They can do almost any work that is necessary. Volunteers can be found in any part of the globe. In the United States six out of ten pupils are members of some volunteer organisations.
All three organisations that were mentioned above are more or less formal. At the same time there are many informal associations of teenagers. Very often they are not even registered, and if they are, no one cares about what they are doing. No records are kept of their activities. They emerge, evolve and disintegrate without leaving trace in history. Nevertheless such organisations are extremely important for their participants. They serve as a means for teenagers to express themselves, meet new friends that have common interests, discuss problems that are really important to them. Quite often a famous book, a movie or a musical band can serve as an impulse for creating such organisations. Fan clubs of different rock and pop groups are numerous. Fan clubs usually consist of teenagers. Members of such clubs listen collectively to their favourite songs, attend concerts, write letters to their idols.
The most spectacular example of unofficial organisation is presented by the Tolkienist movement. J.R.R. Tolkien, the famous British writer created a magic world of elves, dwarves, and hob-bits. Any person who likes Tolkien’s novels can become a Tolkienist. This community is open to everyone; young people come and go, they choose a race, becoming, for example, an elf or a goblin. Their imagination will carry them as far as they want. In Russia Tolkien is extremely popular now. In Moscow there are several places where his fans assemble to share their views and ideas.
Other teenagers go much further. They are not satisfied with the world they are living in, and the worlds created by others do not attract them either. They create their own worlds and universes. In this context Role-Playing Games (also called RPG) should be mentioned. The first RPG was Dungeons and Dragons (D’n’D), a Dungeon Muster (DM) is responsible for outlining the rules of the newly created world, while other players act as the inhabitants of this world, Participating in such activity can be really thrilling, but the danger of quitting the real world for an imaginary one is always present. Such groups and organisations are escapists in their essence. Unlike volunteers they are not aimed at making our world better.
– Why do the young organise their clubs?
– The young do not want to accept the world of the adults with their organisations for the teenagers. They rebel against it in different ways, sometimes in the form of creating their unofficial organisations and clubs. They organise according to their interests into different sub-cultural groups.
– Do you belong to any group or organisation?
– No, I do not. My elder brother used to be a Pioneer, but now such official or semi-official organisations do not attract me. For a couple of years I attended the meetings of the Tolkienists, acting as a little dwarf. Although I am still a great fan of Tolkien’s books, I do not think any longer that I should waste my time living an imaginary life in the imaginary world. The world we all are living in is full of wonders. There is always somebody who needs our help. A lot of my friends are supporters of Greenpeace, and I will soon join their actions. Greenpeace is doing a very important job of rescuing the nature. People of different ages help Greenpeace, and I believe that young people should participate in the activities of this organisation more actively.
– What do your friends do in their leisure time?
– As I have already said, some of my friends help Greenpeace. I still have many friends among the Tolkienists. Some of my friends are fond of RPGs. They meet every Saturday in groups of 5 or 6, They draw a map and for hours discuss the fates of their heroes. One game can last several months or sometimes a year. Although my best friend who is a Dungeon Master often invites me to join his RPG, I am sure that the real life is much more interesting than any imaginary adventures.
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перевод на английский, примеры и транскрипция. Как спросить человека о его хобби
I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. That’s why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: Such as reading detective stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. It’s not only interesting, but also very useful. When you try to solve the puzzle you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and this unites us very much.
Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs. Some people like to cook, others like to knitter sew. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only «wasting time» as some people say.
Computer games make us to think things over proper-ly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is…
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
Spare Time, My Hobby
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long that they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it’s even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, and a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass away their free time. Nowadays people spend ours watching different informational, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are listening to the radio, reading books, painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of quite rambles or walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters. Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women.
Cooking is also very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those who take got really interested in some field of activity, which has become something favorite and admired. A «hobby» is a special interest or activity that you do in you free time off. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits or go fishing. They train dogs to do tricks or keep pageants to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or rare tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or their motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster. Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps or postcards or pictures of a favorite football or pop star. Many people make things as a hobby. I have several hobbies which occupy me after school, both in and out of the house. Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework.
Everyday I have not much time to relax. In that period I usually rest after hard school day, listen to music, watch TV and videos, read books and magazines. Computer is one of my main hobbies and interests. I choose computer technology as one of my options and now I study in Belarussian State University in that field of science. Sometimes I play games to relax. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in World Wide Web. I use Internet for educational process, for finding special technical literature in different subjects and of cause for fun. I have a great number of web friends and we like to spend a lot of time talking to one another.
Also I have great interest in computer programming. Moreover I have big collection of cd-disks and records. They include reggae, pop, classical, jazz, easy listening. My mum always telling me off for putting my hi-fi on too loud. Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. It keeps me fit and happy. I can say with confidence that reading is my favorite hobby. Books brings pleasure and delight. Besides books help to mould a persons character from his moral values. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly and of cause books is the richest source of information. Sometimes my friends and I exchange opinions about books, speak about them, exchange books. Among my favorite gainers are fantasy, philosophy and technical literature. I think that hobbies and interests are an important factor of life. They help to form person, to relax and forget problems for a short while. They can be fun, educational, satisfying and also you can pursuer them when you are old and retired.
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to waste it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. People can choose everything from sport to spending a good time in the country according to desires. And there are a lot of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. And activity is much better then doing nothing. The most active way, in my opinion is go in for sport. You can do sports all the year round because there are a lot of kinds of sport for all seasons. Basketball, Football players are always on stadiums. And in winter a lot of ski-walkers occupy the snowy slopes and skaters walk on ice of stadiums and icy rivers. Moreover it can be risking sports, which is more exiting to do. Doing such kind of sport you feel that our life doesn’t stay it’s going forward. Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. Because they often have interesting ideas of spending free time and it’s much better to spend free time with them. Nowadays music occupies the most part of people’s mind among teenagers especially. People communicate according to their music tastes. They visit disco clubs, concert halls to listen music and to dance. People also have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth.
Some people say that theatres are not popular nowadays but I think that a lot of people still enjoy the play of actors and marvelous productions of plays. And our theatres are world known. Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human. Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a genre according to your mood and read whatever you want. From magazines and papers you know the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology. But technology is developing so fast that such way of getting information becomes old. With developing of Internet information is available in each point of earth. Moreover it’s a way of communicating with people.
And people all over the world sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Children spend a lot of free time playing computer games. And statistic shows that 70% of users of Internet are teenagers. But some people prefer to go to a country to breath fresh air and resting or travel somewhere. Traveling becomes more and more popular. People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing. And all resorts are full in the time of holidays. As for me I think that the most exciting leisure time spending can be all activities like sport or traveling somewhere with friends because I never feel bored with my friends. For example every holiday I go somewhere with my best friend from Moscow. And we always have a good time wherever we go. And I think that everyone can find an occupation. Maybe in some countries people have more opportunities for recreation because of the new inventions or another factors. But I think that each man can travel everywhere and try each way of spending free time. Moreover the city where we live give us a lot of places to go. And from day to day the number of places of interest grows. But the only thing that is necessary for citizens is fresh air and little islands of nature.
People need to walk in the parks that become more and more rare. In spite of this people always can find a way to spend leisure time. Because our world is full of new interesting and exiting thing that every man want to explore.
A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time. It is something done entirely for pleasure. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is known that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous amateur painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other objects d’art. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
As for as I am concerned, I was always fond of collecting stamps. My mother had started collecting stamps long before I was born. She gave me her six albums of stamps as a birthday present when I was twelve. Then I continued collecting stamps myself. It helped me to learn a lot about other countries and other peoples’ traditions, the world’s fauna and flora. I used to bring the albums to school and sometimes exchanged stamps with my schoolmates.
About a year ago my parents bought me a tape recorder and I decided to collect tapes. I am fond of listening to music. I like rock and pop music and classical music too. Now I collect tapes of my favourite groups and singers. I also try to find out everything about the singers I like. I read specialised magazines and try not to miss musical shows on TV, because I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I write letters to some fan clubs in other countries, so I have to brush up my English. I never miss a concert by my favourite group if they come to our city.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.
Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.
Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well — built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.
My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
1. What is your hobby?
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you choose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
Мое хобби
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день.
Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол.
Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться проигрывать, а это не всегда легко.
В моей любимой поговорке говорится «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.
Leisure time
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests. Teenagers unite in specific organisations.
The first organisation that brought together thousands of teenagers in different countries was that of the Scouts. The aim of this association was originally to train boys in various different skills such as lighting a fire and to develop their character. Now the Scouts are active all around the world. The motto of the Scouts is «Be Prepared. » After the October Revolution a similar Pioneer organisation was created in Russia. The Pioneers were supported and sponsored by the government. Now the Pioneers do not exist in our country.
The Scouts and Pioneers were the first, but not the only organisations of the young people. For example today the volunteer movement is extremely popular among the teenagers. It dates back to the year 1921, when a French soldier decided to restore a German house after World War I free of charge. The movement flourished only in the late 1990s when young people of Europe and the United States went to different parts of the world helping local communities to solve their problems. Today volunteerism is very popular in American community and political life. Volunteerism implies assisting people through privately initiated agencies. Volunteers do not receive any salary for what they are doing, but at the same time their work is highly motivated. They react very quickly, immediately coming to help to whoever may need it. There are several types of volunteer work: workcamps, mid-term and long-term volunteering projects. Any young man from any continent can come to workcamps. These camps attain certain objectives in social, ecological, archaeological fields. Usually all works are done under the supervision of professionals. The mid-and long-term projects usually concern the social sphere. They include assistance to children, old people, crippled or immigrants. Volunteer fund-raising groups unite to help the needy in all spheres. They can do almost any work that is necessary. Volunteers can be found in any part of the globe. In the United States six out of ten pupils are members of some volunteer organisations.
All three organisations that were mentioned above are more or less formal. At the same time there are many informal associations of teenagers. Very often they are not even registered, and if they are, no one cares about what they are doing. No records are kept of their activities. They emerge, evolve and disintegrate without leaving trace in history. Nevertheless such organisations are extremely important for their participants. They serve as a means for teenagers to express themselves, meet new friends that have common interests, discuss problems that are really important to them. Quite often a famous book, a movie or a musical band can serve as an impulse for creating such organisations. Fan clubs of different rock and pop groups are numerous. Fan clubs usually consist of teenagers. Members of such clubs listen collectively to their favourite songs, attend concerts, write letters to their idols.
The most spectacular example of unofficial organisation is presented by the Tolkienist movement. J.R.R. Tolkien, the famous British writer created a magic world of elves, dwarves, and hob-bits. Any person who likes Tolkien’s novels can become a Tolkienist. This community is open to everyone; young people come and go, they choose a race, becoming, for example, an elf or a goblin. Their imagination will carry them as far as they want. In Russia Tolkien is extremely popular now. In Moscow there are several places where his fans assemble to share their views and ideas.
Other teenagers go much further. They are not satisfied with the world they are living in, and the worlds created by others do not attract them either. They create their own worlds and universes. In this context Role-Playing Games (also called RPG) should be mentioned. The first RPG was Dungeons and Dragons (D’n’D), a Dungeon Muster (DM) is responsible for outlining the rules of the newly created world, while other players act as the inhabitants of this world, Participating in such activity can be really thrilling, but the danger of quitting the real world for an imaginary one is always present. Such groups and organisations are escapists in their essence. Unlike volunteers they are not aimed at making our world better.
– Why do the young organise their clubs?
– The young do not want to accept the world of the adults with their organisations for the teenagers. They rebel against it in different ways, sometimes in the form of creating their unofficial organisations and clubs. They organise according to their interests into different sub-cultural groups.
– Do you belong to any group or organisation?
– No, I do not. My elder brother used to be a Pioneer, but now such official or semi-official organisations do not attract me. For a couple of years I attended the meetings of the Tolkienists, acting as a little dwarf. Although I am still a great fan of Tolkien’s books, I do not think any longer that I should waste my time living an imaginary life in the imaginary world. The world we all are living in is full of wonders. There is always somebody who needs our help. A lot of my friends are supporters of Greenpeace, and I will soon join their actions. Greenpeace is doing a very important job of rescuing the nature. People of different ages help Greenpeace, and I believe that young people should participate in the activities of this organisation more actively.
– What do your friends do in their leisure time?
– As I have already said, some of my friends help Greenpeace. I still have many friends among the Tolkienists. Some of my friends are fond of RPGs. They meet every Saturday in groups of 5 or 6, They draw a map and for hours discuss the fates of their heroes. One game can last several months or sometimes a year. Although my best friend who is a Dungeon Master often invites me to join his RPG, I am sure that the real life is much more interesting than any imaginary adventures.
Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7…
Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things. The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man»s hobbies. It»s a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it»s becoming more and more popular. Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill.
Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
Увлечения отличаются,также как и вкусы. Если вы выбрали хобби согласно вашему характеру и вкусу, вам повезло, потому что ваша жизнь становится более интересной.
Хобби делятся на четыре больших класса: занятие чем-либо, изготовление чего-либо, собирание чего-то и обучение чему-либо. Самый популярный из всех — занятие чем-либо. Он включает в себя широкий спектр деятельности: все от садоводства до путешествий, и от шахмат до волейбола.
Садоводство является одним из старейших увлечений человека. Хорошо известен факт, что англичане очень любят садоводство и выращивание цветов, особенно роз.
Взрослые и дети любят играть в различные компьютерные игры. Это относительно новое хобби, но оно становится все более и более популярным. Изготовление включает в себя рисование, живопись, скульптуру, проектирование костюмов, ремесла. Двумя наиболее известными художниками были президент Эйзенхауэр и сэр Уинстон Черчилль.
Некоторые любят писать музыку или играть на музыкальных инструментах. Почти каждый человек собирает что-то в какой-то период своей жизни: марки, монеты, спичечные коробки, книги, пластинки, открытки, игрушки, часы. Некоторые коллекции не имеют никакого реального назначения. Другие становятся настолько великими и настолько ценными, что они размещены в музеях и галереях. Многие всемирно известные коллекции начались с одной или двух вещей. Люди, у которых много денег, часто собирают картины, редкие книги и другие предметы искусства. Часто такие частные коллекции дарятся в музеи, библиотеки и общественные галереи, чтобы другие могли получить удовольствие от их созерцания.
Независимо от того, какое хобби у человека, у него всегда есть возможность учиться чему-то. Читая о том, что его интересует, он обогащает свои знания. Обучение может быть самым интересным аспектом хобби.
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My hobby is taking pictures of wild flowers.
Мое хобби — фотографировать дикие цветы.
My hobby is listening to music.
Моё хобби — слушать музыку.
My hobby is reading.
Моё хобби — чтение.
My hobby is playing the guitar.
Моё хобби — игра на гитаре.
Do you have a hobby — for example, painting?
У тебя есть хобби? Например, рисование.
My hobby is visiting old temples.
Моё увлечение — посещение старых храмов.
My hobby is cooking.
Моё хобби — готовить.
Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
Его хобби — бодибилдинг, поэтому у него твёрдое плотное тело с ярко выраженными мышцами.
My hobby is collecting old coins.
Моё хобби — коллекционирование старых монет.
My hobby is collecting insects.
Мое хобби — коллекционирование насекомых.
Her hobby was to collect ancient coins.
Её хобби было коллекционирование старинных монет.
My hobby is weight lifting.
Моё хобби — тяжёлая атлетика.
His hobby is collecting old stamps.
Его увлечение — коллекционирование старых марок.
Her only hobby is collecting stamps.
Ее единственное хобби — коллекционирование марок.
My hobby is collecting coins.
Моё увлечение — коллекционирование монет.
My hobby is playing golf.
Моё хобби — игра в гольф.
My hobby is collecting old toys.
Мое хобби — собирание старых игрушек.
His hobby is collecting stamps.
Его хобби — коллекционирование марок.
My hobby is collecting foreign stamps.
Моё увлечение заключается в коллекционировании иностранных марок.
Her hobby is bodybuilding.
Ее увлечение — бодибилдинг.
My hobby is taking pictures.
Моё хобби — фотографировать.
Her hobby is collecting stamps.
Её хобби — коллекционирование марок.
My hobby is to cook.
Моё хобби — готовить.
My father»s hobby is growing roses.
Мой отец увлекается выращиванием роз.
My hobby is music.
Моё любимое занятие – музыка.
What is your favourite hobby in winter?
Какое твоё любимое зимнее хобби?
My hobby is shopping.
Моё хобби — ходить по магазинам.
Yumi»s hobby is singing popular songs.
Увлечение Юми — петь популярные песни.
My hobby is making model planes.
Моё хобби — авиамоделирование.
My hobby is to collect old toys.
Моё хобби — коллекционировать старые игрушки.
[существительное] хобби, увлечение
(pastime, infatuation)
new hobby — новое хобби
любимое занятие
(favorite activity)
(hobby falcon)
Транскрипция : [ ˈhɒbi ]
to have a hobby, indulge in a hobby, pursue a hobby — иметь хобби, увлекаться чем-л.
to pursue a hobby — иметь хобби
hobby computing — любительские вычисления, вычисления в порядке хобби
hobby computer — вычислительная машина для любительского использования
fashionable hobby — модное увлечение
hobby beekeeping — любительское пчеловодство
hobby book — книга об увлечениях; сборник увлечений
hobby-horse — палочка с лошадиной головой; конь-качалка
hobby horsical — из области капризов и прихотей; причудливый; излюбленный
hobby-horsical — из области капризов и прихотей; причудливый; прихотливый
What are your hobbies
Какие у тебя увлечения?
Susan»s hobbies
include reading, cooking, and drama.
Сьюзен хобби: чтение, кулинария, и Драма.
Retirement gave him the time to pursue his hobbies
Пенсию дали ему время, чтобы вести его хобби.
My hobby
is gardening
Мое хобби-садоводство
Our mutual hobby
of car racing
наше взаимное увлечение гоночный автомобиль
He seemed to be married to his hobby
Казалось, будто кроме его хобби ничего другого для него не существовало.
Photography is an expensive hobby
Фотография-это дорогое хобби.
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Письмо на английском про хобби с переводом. Hobbies. Увлечения
Топик хобби (hobby) на английском языке необходимо выучить тем, кто хочет рассказать о том, чему он посвящает свободное время. Носителям языка будет приятно не только поговорить с вами о работе и учебе, но и узнать о ваших любимых занятиях и увлечениях.
Из топика хобби на английском вы узнаете, что любимые занятия могут быть разными: кто-то читает книги или собирает монеты, а кто-то предпочитает отдыхать активно, например, кататься на велосипеде или лыжах. У человека может быть несколько увлечений, и топик на английском языке хобби поможет вам дать представление о каждом из своих любимых занятий.
Тема хобби на английском встречается довольно часто, так как она может помочь нам найти единомышленников, а так же благодаря любимым занятиям мы расширяем кругозор и наполняем жизнь яркими впечатлениями.
A hobby is what people like to do in their spare time. Hobbies help us to develop intellectually, to find new friends, to relax and to forget about our problems. People choose their hobbies according to their characters and tastes. People are different, that is why they have hobbies of various kinds.
Somebody likes to sew or embroider things, others knit or draw pictures. Many people are fond of photography. Children and some grown-ups like collecting toys, coins, statuettes, stamps and other things. Active people make their favorite sport their hobby; they attend dance classes, go ice-skating or skiing, ride horses or go swimming. Having pets can also be a hobby: some people enjoy walking with their dogs, some take their cats to cat shows, and others enjoy making funny outfits for their pets.
A person can have more than one hobby, and as for me, I have two: I study foreign languages and ride horses. My hobbies are very important, because studying languages gives me the opportunity to understand people when I travel abroad. I like listening to songs, watching films and reading books in English.
Every weekend I go to the stables to ride my favorite horse Garnet. I train my riding skills in the riding hall, and when the weather is fine, we go for a ride in the park. After the training, I feed my horse and take care of her.
My hobbies are very different, the first one helps me to learn something new and the other helps me to keep fit and develops my responsibility. Both hobbies make my life interesting and exciting.
Хобби – это то, чем люди любят заниматься в свободное время. Хобби помогают нам развиваться интеллектуально, находить новых друзей, расслабится и забыть о проблемах. Люди выбирают хобби в соответствии со своими характерами и вкусами. Люди различаются, поэтому их любимые занятия могут быть различных видов.
Кто-то любит шить или вышивать, другие вяжут или рисуют картины. Дети и некоторые взрослые любят собирать игрушки, монеты, статуэтки, марки и другие вещи. Активные люди делают свой любимый вид спорта своим хобби: они посещают танцевальные занятия, катаются на коньках или лыжах, катаются на лошадях или плавают. Домашние любимцы тоже могут быть хобби: кто-то любит гулять с собаками в парке, некоторые водят кошек на выставки, а кто-то шьет забавные костюмчики для животных.
У человека может быть больше, чем одно хобби, и что касается меня, у меня их два: я изучаю иностранные языки и езжу верхом. Мои хобби очень важны, так как изучение иностранных языков дает мне возможность понимать людей, когда я путешествую за границу. Я люблю слушать песни, смотреть фильмы и читать книги на английском языке.
Каждые выходные я езжу на конюшню, чтобы покататься на моей любимой лошади Гарнет. Я отрабатываю навыки верховой езды в манеже, а когда погода хорошая, мы ездим на прогулку в парк. После тренировки я кормлю свою лошадь и ухаживаю за ней.
Мои хобби очень разные, первое помогает мне узнать то-то новое, а другое помогает мне быть в форме и воспитывает ответственность. Оба хобби делают мою жизнь интересной и захватывающей.
I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. That’s why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: Such as reading detective stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. It’s not only interesting, but also very useful. When you try to solve the puzzle you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and this unites us very much.
Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs. Some people like to cook, others like to knitter sew. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only «wasting time» as some people say.
Computer games make us to think things over proper-ly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is…
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
Spare Time, My Hobby
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long that they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it’s even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, and a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass away their free time. Nowadays people spend ours watching different informational, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are listening to the radio, reading books, painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of quite rambles or walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters. Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those who take got really interested in some field of activity, which has become something favorite and admired. A «hobby» is a special interest or activity that you do in you free time off. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits or go fishing. They train dogs to do tricks or keep pageants to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or rare tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or their motorbikes.
They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster. Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps or postcards or pictures of a favorite football or pop star. Many people make things as a hobby. I have several hobbies which occupy me after school, both in and out of the house. Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework. Everyday I have not much time to relax. In that period I usually rest after hard school day, listen to music, watch TV and videos, read books and magazines. Computer is one of my main hobbies and interests. I choose computer technology as one of my options and now I study in Belarussian State University in that field of science. Sometimes I play games to relax. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in World Wide Web. I use Internet for educational process, for finding special technical literature in different subjects and of cause for fun.
I have a great number of web friends and we like to spend a lot of time talking to one another.
Also I have great interest in computer programming. Moreover I have big collection of cd-disks and records. They include reggae, pop, classical, jazz, easy listening. My mum always telling me off for putting my hi-fi on too loud. Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. It keeps me fit and happy. I can say with confidence that reading is my favorite hobby. Books brings pleasure and delight. Besides books help to mould a persons character from his moral values. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly and of cause books is the richest source of information. Sometimes my friends and I exchange opinions about books, speak about them, exchange books. Among my favorite gainers are fantasy, philosophy and technical literature. I think that hobbies and interests are an important factor of life. They help to form person, to relax and forget problems for a short while. They can be fun, educational, satisfying and also you can pursuer them when you are old and retired.
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to waste it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. People can choose everything from sport to spending a good time in the country according to desires. And there are a lot of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. And activity is much better then doing nothing. The most active way, in my opinion is go in for sport. You can do sports all the year round because there are a lot of kinds of sport for all seasons. Basketball, Football players are always on stadiums. And in winter a lot of ski-walkers occupy the snowy slopes and skaters walk on ice of stadiums and icy rivers. Moreover it can be risking sports, which is more exiting to do. Doing such kind of sport you feel that our life doesn’t stay it’s going forward. Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. Because they often have interesting ideas of spending free time and it’s much better to spend free time with them. Nowadays music occupies the most part of people’s mind among teenagers especially. People communicate according to their music tastes. They visit disco clubs, concert halls to listen music and to dance. People also have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth. Some people say that theatres are not popular nowadays but I think that a lot of people still enjoy the play of actors and marvelous productions of plays. And our theatres are world known. Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human. Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a genre according to your mood and read whatever you want.
From magazines and papers you know the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology. But technology is developing so fast that such way of getting information becomes old. With developing of Internet information is available in each point of earth. Moreover it’s a way of communicating with people.
And people all over the world sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Children spend a lot of free time playing computer games. And statistic shows that 70% of users of Internet are teenagers. But some people prefer to go to a country to breath fresh air and resting or travel somewhere. Traveling becomes more and more popular. People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing. And all resorts are full in the time of holidays. As for me I think that the most exciting leisure time spending can be all activities like sport or traveling somewhere with friends because I never feel bored with my friends. For example every holiday I go somewhere with my best friend from Moscow. And we always have a good time wherever we go. And I think that everyone can find an occupation. Maybe in some countries people have more opportunities for recreation because of the new inventions or another factors. But I think that each man can travel everywhere and try each way of spending free time. Moreover the city where we live give us a lot of places to go. And from day to day the number of places of interest grows. But the only thing that is necessary for citizens is fresh air and little islands of nature. People need to walk in the parks that become more and more rare. In spite of this people always can find a way to spend leisure time. Because our world is full of new interesting and exiting thing that every man want to explore.
A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time. It is something done entirely for pleasure. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is known that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous amateur painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other objects d’art. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
As for as I am concerned, I was always fond of collecting stamps. My mother had started collecting stamps long before I was born. She gave me her six albums of stamps as a birthday present when I was twelve. Then I continued collecting stamps myself. It helped me to learn a lot about other countries and other peoples’ traditions, the world’s fauna and flora. I used to bring the albums to school and sometimes exchanged stamps with my schoolmates.
About a year ago my parents bought me a tape recorder and I decided to collect tapes. I am fond of listening to music. I like rock and pop music and classical music too. Now I collect tapes of my favourite groups and singers. I also try to find out everything about the singers I like. I read specialised magazines and try not to miss musical shows on TV, because I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I write letters to some fan clubs in other countries, so I have to brush up my English. I never miss a concert by my favourite group if they come to our city.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.
Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.
Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well — built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.
My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
1. What is your hobby?
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you choose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
Мое хобби
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день.
Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол.
Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться проигрывать, а это не всегда легко.
В моей любимой поговорке говорится «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.
Leisure time
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests. Teenagers unite in specific organisations.
The first organisation that brought together thousands of teenagers in different countries was that of the Scouts. The aim of this association was originally to train boys in various different skills such as lighting a fire and to develop their character. Now the Scouts are active all around the world. The motto of the Scouts is «Be Prepared.» After the October Revolution a similar Pioneer organisation was created in Russia. The Pioneers were supported and sponsored by the government. Now the Pioneers do not exist in our country.
The Scouts and Pioneers were the first, but not the only organisations of the young people. For example today the volunteer movement is extremely popular among the teenagers. It dates back to the year 1921, when a French soldier decided to restore a German house after World War I free of charge. The movement flourished only in the late 1990s when young people of Europe and the United States went to different parts of the world helping local communities to solve their problems. Today volunteerism is very popular in American community and political life. Volunteerism implies assisting people through privately initiated agencies. Volunteers do not receive any salary for what they are doing, but at the same time their work is highly motivated. They react very quickly, immediately coming to help to whoever may need it. There are several types of volunteer work: workcamps, mid-term and long-term volunteering projects. Any young man from any continent can come to workcamps. These camps attain certain objectives in social, ecological, archaeological fields. Usually all works are done under the supervision of professionals. The mid-and long-term projects usually concern the social sphere.
They include assistance to children, old people, crippled or immigrants. Volunteer fund-raising groups unite to help the needy in all spheres. They can do almost any work that is necessary. Volunteers can be found in any part of the globe. In the United States six out of ten pupils are members of some volunteer organisations.
All three organisations that were mentioned above are more or less formal. At the same time there are many informal associations of teenagers. Very often they are not even registered, and if they are, no one cares about what they are doing. No records are kept of their activities. They emerge, evolve and disintegrate without leaving trace in history. Nevertheless such organisations are extremely important for their participants. They serve as a means for teenagers to express themselves, meet new friends that have common interests, discuss problems that are really important to them. Quite often a famous book, a movie or a musical band can serve as an impulse for creating such organisations. Fan clubs of different rock and pop groups are numerous. Fan clubs usually consist of teenagers. Members of such clubs listen collectively to their favourite songs, attend concerts, write letters to their idols.
The most spectacular example of unofficial organisation is presented by the Tolkienist movement. J.R.R. Tolkien, the famous British writer created a magic world of elves, dwarves, and hob-bits. Any person who likes Tolkien’s novels can become a Tolkienist. This community is open to everyone; young people come and go, they choose a race, becoming, for example, an elf or a goblin. Their imagination will carry them as far as they want. In Russia Tolkien is extremely popular now. In Moscow there are several places where his fans assemble to share their views and ideas.
Other teenagers go much further. They are not satisfied with the world they are living in, and the worlds created by others do not attract them either. They create their own worlds and universes. In this context Role-Playing Games (also called RPG) should be mentioned. The first RPG was Dungeons and Dragons (D’n’D), a Dungeon Muster (DM) is responsible for outlining the rules of the newly created world, while other players act as the inhabitants of this world, Participating in such activity can be really thrilling, but the danger of quitting the real world for an imaginary one is always present. Such groups and organisations are escapists in their essence. Unlike volunteers they are not aimed at making our world better.
– Why do the young organise their clubs?
– The young do not want to accept the world of the adults with their organisations for the teenagers. They rebel against it in different ways, sometimes in the form of creating their unofficial organisations and clubs. They organise according to their interests into different sub-cultural groups.
– Do you belong to any group or organisation?
– No, I do not. My elder brother used to be a Pioneer, but now such official or semi-official organisations do not attract me. For a couple of years I attended the meetings of the Tolkienists, acting as a little dwarf. Although I am still a great fan of Tolkien’s books, I do not think any longer that I should waste my time living an imaginary life in the imaginary world. The world we all are living in is full of wonders. There is always somebody who needs our help. A lot of my friends are supporters of Greenpeace, and I will soon join their actions. Greenpeace is doing a very important job of rescuing the nature. People of different ages help Greenpeace, and I believe that young people should participate in the activities of this organisation more actively.
– What do your friends do in their leisure time?
– As I have already said, some of my friends help Greenpeace. I still have many friends among the Tolkienists. Some of my friends are fond of RPGs. They meet every Saturday in groups of 5 or 6, They draw a map and for hours discuss the fates of their heroes. One game can last several months or sometimes a year. Although my best friend who is a Dungeon Master often invites me to join his RPG, I am sure that the real life is much more interesting than any imaginary adventures.
Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7…
Интересы занимают далеко не последнее место в непринуждённой беседе. Но как грамотно ? Есть несколько хитростей, которые помогут сориентироваться. И, конечно же, лучше быть готовым к данной теме заранее. Подумайте, чем вам нравится заниматься, используя подсказки из этой статьи.
Как рассказать о хобби на английском? ПодсказкиКаким же хитростям стоит следовать, чтобы понять, как правильно рассказать о хобби на английском ?
1) Хорошее начало – это уже половина дела. Можно воспользоваться одним из следующих предложений.
1. I can’t imagine my life without… – Я не могу представить мою жизнь без…
2. You won’t believe but I really enjoy… – Вы не поверите, но мне действительно нравится…
3. Actually, I’m keen on…
— На самом деле я увлекаюсь…
2. I’m fond of… — Мне нравится…
3. … is my favorite pastime. — … моё любимое времяпровождение
4. I’m interested in… — Меня интересует…
5. When I am free I tend to… — Когда я свободен, я имею склонность…
6. Most of all I like… — Больше всего мне нравится…
2) Убедитесь, что вы знаете английский вариант увлечения. Если нет, то выучите его, чтобы не упасть в грязь лицом во время подобной беседы. Ниже прилагаю самые распространённые увлечения.
1) игра с друзьями, 2) рыбалка, 3) рисование, 4) езда на велосипеде, 5) езда на велосипеде, 6) актёрское мастерство, 7) отдых в кемпинге, 8) шитьё, 9) гребля, 10) просмотр телевизора, 11) садоводство, 12) пеший туризм, 13) вязание, 14) коллекционирование монет, 15) плавание, 16) игра в карты
3) Чтобы рассказ был интересным для собеседника, поделитесь тем, как вы впервые попробовали какое-то увлечение. Может быть, вас кто-то вдохновил заняться именно этим хобби? Чем оно вас привлекло? Советуете ли вы его другим?
Употребление глагола like в рассказе об интересахНе забудьте, что употребление глагола like в рассказе о хобби имеет свою специфику. Важно применять следующий после like глагол с окончанием –ing ,
когда вы делитесь общей информацией о своем любимом времяпровождении.
a) Anton likes playing football.
b) Monica likes going to the cinema.
c) They like spending free time outside all together.
Пример рассказа о хобби на английскомПример
I have several hobbies and each of them is equally important to me. First of all, I cannot imagine my life without learning foreign languages. It’s so interesting to compare English with Spanish, Russian with German and so on. I have found out that there are a lot of English words in my native language too. This idea makes me look for more common features and share them with others. It’s wonderful to understand foreign music and popular movies.
When I have some free time, I tend to embroider something. This helps me relax and I seem to inherit it from my grandma. She also enjoyed sitting with a needle in the evenings before TV. I like presenting embroidered pictures to my friends. Such things are better than gifts from the shop.
Reading is my third favorite pastime. It’s a good idea to read before bedtime to focus on something different from work and get ready to sweet dreams!
У меня несколько хобби и каждое из них одинаково важно для меня. Прежде всего, я не могу представить свою жизнь без изучения иностранных языков. Это так интересно сравнивать английский с испанским, русский с немецким и т.п. Я выяснила, что в моём родном языке тоже много английских слов. Эта идея побуждает меня искать больше общих моментов и делиться ими с другими. Понимать иностранную музыку и популярные фильмы – прекрасно.
Hey, cupcakes! Самая хорошая работа — высокооплачиваемое хобби. Что бы вы не делали, вы в первую очередь создаете себя. И, если вы достаточно crazy, чтобы заниматься любимым делом, то обречены прожить жизнь полную смысла. So, go ahead! The ball is in your court!
Essay on My hobby
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a hobby is an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working. Moreover, a hobby is the person’s interest and preference that reflects his inner world. Through hobbies people realize the need for development and creativity.
There are many interesting things that can be people’s hobbies. Some people discover their talent in playing musical instruments, singing or painting. People fascinated by sports find it in football, tennis or ice-skating etc. There are also some options for calm people e.g. collecting things or making models.
As for me I have always been a very energetic person and have always had plenty of hobbies. I was interested in sports, especially volleyball and tennis. I collected stickers, toys and coins, had painting and language lessons, took part in a choir. Nevertheless, my deepest passion was always dancing.When I first came to the training I was so charmed by my coach and got so inspired that I started spending two hours three times a week there. I think it was the perfect hobby for my body and my soul. I have learned how to express myself through the body movements.
At the current moment, I suppose that my hobby is English. It’s not only the process of learning the language for me. I like listening to English songs, watching videos and movies in original, visiting speaking clubs and communicating with native speakers. I admire the culture of English speaking countries and I’m interested in everything that is connected with it. I have lessons three times a week and I love my group and the teacher. She makes the process of studying so exciting.
Thus, I believe that the keyword in a hobby definition is «pleasure». My hobby brings me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. I feel my progress and it’s the best motivation to go ahead.
Сочинение на тему Мое хобби
Согласно кембриджскому словарю, хобби — это деятельность, которую совершает человек для удовольствия, когда он не работает.Кроме того, хобби — это интерес или предпочтение человека, которое отражает его внутренний мир. Посредством хобби люди реализуют свою потребность в развитии и креативности.
Существует очень много различных вещей, которые могут стать хобби. Некоторые люди обнаруживают свой талант в игре на музыкальных инструментах, пении или рисовании. Люди, увлекающиеся спортом, находят его в футболе, теннисе или фигурном катании. Есть также варианты для спокойных людей, например, коллекционирование или создание моделей.
Что касается меня, то я всегда была очень энергичным человеком и у меня всегда было более чем достаточно хобби. Я интересовалась спортом, особенно волейболом и теннисом. Я собирала наклейки, игрушки и монеты, посещала уроки рисования и изучения языков, принимала участие в хоре. Тем не менее, моей главной страстью всегда были танцы. Когда я впервые пришла на тренировку, я была очарована моим тренером и настолько вдохновлена, что проводила там по два часа три раза в неделю.Я думаю, что это было отличное хобби для моего тела и моей души. Я научилась выражать себя посредством движений моего тела.
На текущий момент, я полагаю, моим хобби является английский. Для меня это не только процесс изучения языка. Мне нравится слушать английские песни, смотреть видео и фильмы в оригинале, посещать разговорные клубы и общаться с носителями языка. Я восхищаюсь культурой англо-говорящих стран, и я интересуюсь всем, что связано с ней. У меня уроки три раза в неделю и я люблю свою группу и учителя. Она делает процесс обучения по настоящему увлекательным.
Итак, я верю, что ключевым словом в определении хобби является слово «удовольствие». Мое хобби приносит мне много удовольствия и удовлетворения. Я чувствую свой прогресс и это лучшая мотивация для того, чтобы двигаться вперед.
Похожие сочинения
Топики на английском на тему хобби дают самую необходимую информацию о понятии хобби и его видов. Данный топик на тему хобби на английском рекомендуется для изучения учениками 7/8 классов и содержит необходимую лексику и грамматику при изучении английского языка. Приведенное ниже сочинение на тему хобби на английском очень легко воспринимается учениками, ведь к английскому тексту в дополнение идёт перевод на русский и можно смотреть все незнакомые слова и словосочетания.
Topic «Hobby»
Hobbies for children are not only fun, but it is also an opportunity to try and choose the interest of their future profession and find talents. Children can try to choose their hobbies, asking themselves questions like: ”What would I like to do regularly in the afternoon, what would I like to learn?” Hobby is something that we like to do and that makes us happy. It is the occupation which people like to do when they have free time and when they want to keep themselves busy. Also, hobby helps people to forget their problems.
Everyone has his own hobby. Some collect stamps and coins, the others are wild about music and drawing. Women like knitting and sewing. The favorite thing to do for some men is fishing.
A hobby of many people is reading books. They read everything they get into their hands. Book lovers have their own small libraries at home. But they often visit school and city libraries, as there they can find new and interesting books for themselves and their friends.
People spend their free time in a different way, but many people like sport, reading, listening to music, playing computer games. Some people spend their free time with their friends or family.
Many people adore sport as a hobby because it is fun. There are many kinds of sport: football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, boxing, figure skating, athletics, and others. Every kind of sport can improve the health of people and make them more skilled. Football is extremely popular. It is played in every country of the world and it helps many people to become much more confident and get new friends.
Топик «Хобби» (перевод)
Для детей хобби — это не только развлечение, но и возможность выбрать что-то интересное для своей будущей профессии и найти таланты ребёнка. Дети могут попробовать выбрать себе хобби, задавая такие вопросы, как: ”Что бы я хотел делать после обеда, чему бы я хотел научиться?”. Хобби — то, что мы любим делать и что делает нас счастливыми. Это то, что люди любят делать, когда у них есть свободное время и когда они хотят чем-то заняться. Также хобби помогает людям забыть об их проблемах.
У каждого есть своё хобби. Некоторые люди коллекционируют марки и монеты, другие без ума от музыки и рисования. Женщины любят вязать и вышивать. Любимым занятием некоторых мужчин есть рыбалка.
Книги — это хобби многих людей. Они читают всё, что попадается им в руки. У любителей книг есть свои маленькие библиотеки дома, но они часто ходят в школьные библиотеки для того, чтобы найти новые и интересные книги для себя и своих друзей.
Люди проводят свое свободное время разными способами, но многие любят спорт, чтение, музыку, играть в компьютерные игры. Некоторые люди проводят своё свободное время с семьей и друзьями.
Многие люди обожают спорт как хобби — ведь это весело. Существует много видов спорта таких, как футбол, волейбол, баскетбол, теннис, бокс, фигурное катание, атлетика и другие. Каждый вид спорта может улучшить здоровье людей и дать новый опыт. Футбол особенно популярен. В футбол играют во всех странах мира и он помогает людям стать более уверенными и найти новых друзей.
перевод на английский, примеры и транскрипция. Топик по английскому «Увлечения» (Hobbies)
My hobby is taking pictures of wild flowers.
Мое хобби — фотографировать дикие цветы.
My hobby is listening to music.
Моё хобби — слушать музыку.
My hobby is reading.
Моё хобби — чтение.
My hobby is playing the guitar.
Моё хобби — игра на гитаре.
Do you have a hobby — for example, painting?
У тебя есть хобби? Например, рисование.
My hobby is visiting old temples.
Моё увлечение — посещение старых храмов.
My hobby is cooking.
Моё хобби — готовить.
Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
Его хобби — бодибилдинг, поэтому у него твёрдое плотное тело с ярко выраженными мышцами.
My hobby is collecting old coins.
Моё хобби — коллекционирование старых монет.
My hobby is collecting insects.
Мое хобби — коллекционирование насекомых.
Her hobby was to collect ancient coins.
Её хобби было коллекционирование старинных монет.
My hobby is weight lifting.
Моё хобби — тяжёлая атлетика.
His hobby is collecting old stamps.
Его увлечение — коллекционирование старых марок.
Her only hobby is collecting stamps.
Ее единственное хобби — коллекционирование марок.
My hobby is collecting coins.
Моё увлечение — коллекционирование монет.
My hobby is playing golf.
Моё хобби — игра в гольф.
My hobby is collecting old toys.
Мое хобби — собирание старых игрушек.
His hobby is collecting stamps.
Его хобби — коллекционирование марок.
My hobby is collecting foreign stamps.
Моё увлечение заключается в коллекционировании иностранных марок.
Her hobby is bodybuilding.
Ее увлечение — бодибилдинг.
My hobby is taking pictures.
Моё хобби — фотографировать.
Her hobby is collecting stamps.
Её хобби — коллекционирование марок.
My hobby is to cook.
Моё хобби — готовить.
My father»s hobby is growing roses.
Мой отец увлекается выращиванием роз.
My hobby is music.
Моё любимое занятие – музыка.
What is your favourite hobby in winter?
Какое твоё любимое зимнее хобби?
My hobby is shopping.
Моё хобби — ходить по магазинам.
Yumi»s hobby is singing popular songs.
Увлечение Юми — петь популярные песни.
My hobby is making model planes.
Моё хобби — авиамоделирование.
My hobby is to collect old toys.
Моё хобби — коллекционировать старые игрушки.
I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. That’s why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: Such as reading detective stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. It’s not only interesting, but also very useful. When you try to solve the puzzle you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and this unites us very much.
Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs. Some people like to cook, others like to knitter sew. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only «wasting time» as some people say.
Computer games make us to think things over proper-ly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is…
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
Spare Time, My Hobby
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long that they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it’s even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, and a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass away their free time. Nowadays people spend ours watching different informational, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are listening to the radio, reading books, painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of quite rambles or walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters. Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those who take got really interested in some field of activity, which has become something favorite and admired. A «hobby» is a special interest or activity that you do in you free time off. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits or go fishing. They train dogs to do tricks or keep pageants to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or rare tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or their motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster. Children and teenagers are great collectors.
They collect stamps or postcards or pictures of a favorite football or pop star. Many people make things as a hobby. I have several hobbies which occupy me after school, both in and out of the house. Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework. Everyday I have not much time to relax. In that period I usually rest after hard school day, listen to music, watch TV and videos, read books and magazines. Computer is one of my main hobbies and interests. I choose computer technology as one of my options and now I study in Belarussian State University in that field of science. Sometimes I play games to relax. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in World Wide Web. I use Internet for educational process, for finding special technical literature in different subjects and of cause for fun. I have a great number of web friends and we like to spend a lot of time talking to one another.
Also I have great interest in computer programming. Moreover I have big collection of cd-disks and records. They include reggae, pop, classical, jazz, easy listening. My mum always telling me off for putting my hi-fi on too loud. Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. It keeps me fit and happy. I can say with confidence that reading is my favorite hobby. Books brings pleasure and delight. Besides books help to mould a persons character from his moral values. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly and of cause books is the richest source of information. Sometimes my friends and I exchange opinions about books, speak about them, exchange books. Among my favorite gainers are fantasy, philosophy and technical literature. I think that hobbies and interests are an important factor of life. They help to form person, to relax and forget problems for a short while. They can be fun, educational, satisfying and also you can pursuer them when you are old and retired.
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to waste it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. People can choose everything from sport to spending a good time in the country according to desires. And there are a lot of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. And activity is much better then doing nothing. The most active way, in my opinion is go in for sport. You can do sports all the year round because there are a lot of kinds of sport for all seasons. Basketball, Football players are always on stadiums. And in winter a lot of ski-walkers occupy the snowy slopes and skaters walk on ice of stadiums and icy rivers. Moreover it can be risking sports, which is more exiting to do. Doing such kind of sport you feel that our life doesn’t stay it’s going forward. Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. Because they often have interesting ideas of spending free time and it’s much better to spend free time with them. Nowadays music occupies the most part of people’s mind among teenagers especially. People communicate according to their music tastes. They visit disco clubs, concert halls to listen music and to dance. People also have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth. Some people say that theatres are not popular nowadays but I think that a lot of people still enjoy the play of actors and marvelous productions of plays. And our theatres are world known. Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human. Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a genre according to your mood and read whatever you want. From magazines and papers you know the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology. But technology is developing so fast that such way of getting information becomes old. With developing of Internet information is available in each point of earth.
Moreover it’s a way of communicating with people.
And people all over the world sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Children spend a lot of free time playing computer games. And statistic shows that 70% of users of Internet are teenagers. But some people prefer to go to a country to breath fresh air and resting or travel somewhere. Traveling becomes more and more popular. People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing. And all resorts are full in the time of holidays. As for me I think that the most exciting leisure time spending can be all activities like sport or traveling somewhere with friends because I never feel bored with my friends. For example every holiday I go somewhere with my best friend from Moscow. And we always have a good time wherever we go. And I think that everyone can find an occupation. Maybe in some countries people have more opportunities for recreation because of the new inventions or another factors. But I think that each man can travel everywhere and try each way of spending free time. Moreover the city where we live give us a lot of places to go. And from day to day the number of places of interest grows. But the only thing that is necessary for citizens is fresh air and little islands of nature. People need to walk in the parks that become more and more rare. In spite of this people always can find a way to spend leisure time. Because our world is full of new interesting and exiting thing that every man want to explore.
A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time. It is something done entirely for pleasure. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is known that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous amateur painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other objects d’art. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
As for as I am concerned, I was always fond of collecting stamps. My mother had started collecting stamps long before I was born. She gave me her six albums of stamps as a birthday present when I was twelve. Then I continued collecting stamps myself. It helped me to learn a lot about other countries and other peoples’ traditions, the world’s fauna and flora. I used to bring the albums to school and sometimes exchanged stamps with my schoolmates.
About a year ago my parents bought me a tape recorder and I decided to collect tapes. I am fond of listening to music. I like rock and pop music and classical music too. Now I collect tapes of my favourite groups and singers. I also try to find out everything about the singers I like. I read specialised magazines and try not to miss musical shows on TV, because I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I write letters to some fan clubs in other countries, so I have to brush up my English. I never miss a concert by my favourite group if they come to our city.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.
Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.
Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well — built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.
My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
1. What is your hobby?
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you choose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
Мое хобби
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день.
Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол.
Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться проигрывать, а это не всегда легко.
В моей любимой поговорке говорится «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.
Leisure time
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests. Teenagers unite in specific organisations.
The first organisation that brought together thousands of teenagers in different countries was that of the Scouts. The aim of this association was originally to train boys in various different skills such as lighting a fire and to develop their character. Now the Scouts are active all around the world. The motto of the Scouts is «Be Prepared.» After the October Revolution a similar Pioneer organisation was created in Russia. The Pioneers were supported and sponsored by the government. Now the Pioneers do not exist in our country.
The Scouts and Pioneers were the first, but not the only organisations of the young people. For example today the volunteer movement is extremely popular among the teenagers. It dates back to the year 1921, when a French soldier decided to restore a German house after World War I free of charge. The movement flourished only in the late 1990s when young people of Europe and the United States went to different parts of the world helping local communities to solve their problems. Today volunteerism is very popular in American community and political life. Volunteerism implies assisting people through privately initiated agencies. Volunteers do not receive any salary for what they are doing, but at the same time their work is highly motivated. They react very quickly, immediately coming to help to whoever may need it. There are several types of volunteer work: workcamps, mid-term and long-term volunteering projects. Any young man from any continent can come to workcamps. These camps attain certain objectives in social, ecological, archaeological fields. Usually all works are done under the supervision of professionals. The mid-and long-term projects usually concern the social sphere. They include assistance to children, old people, crippled or immigrants. Volunteer fund-raising groups unite to help the needy in all spheres. They can do almost any work that is necessary. Volunteers can be found in any part of the globe. In the United States six out of ten pupils are members of some volunteer organisations.
All three organisations that were mentioned above are more or less formal. At the same time there are many informal associations of teenagers. Very often they are not even registered, and if they are, no one cares about what they are doing. No records are kept of their activities. They emerge, evolve and disintegrate without leaving trace in history. Nevertheless such organisations are extremely important for their participants. They serve as a means for teenagers to express themselves, meet new friends that have common interests, discuss problems that are really important to them. Quite often a famous book, a movie or a musical band can serve as an impulse for creating such organisations. Fan clubs of different rock and pop groups are numerous. Fan clubs usually consist of teenagers. Members of such clubs listen collectively to their favourite songs, attend concerts, write letters to their idols.
The most spectacular example of unofficial organisation is presented by the Tolkienist movement. J.R.R. Tolkien, the famous British writer created a magic world of elves, dwarves, and hob-bits. Any person who likes Tolkien’s novels can become a Tolkienist. This community is open to everyone; young people come and go, they choose a race, becoming, for example, an elf or a goblin. Their imagination will carry them as far as they want. In Russia Tolkien is extremely popular now. In Moscow there are several places where his fans assemble to share their views and ideas.
Other teenagers go much further. They are not satisfied with the world they are living in, and the worlds created by others do not attract them either. They create their own worlds and universes. In this context Role-Playing Games (also called RPG) should be mentioned. The first RPG was Dungeons and Dragons (D’n’D), a Dungeon Muster (DM) is responsible for outlining the rules of the newly created world, while other players act as the inhabitants of this world, Participating in such activity can be really thrilling, but the danger of quitting the real world for an imaginary one is always present. Such groups and organisations are escapists in their essence. Unlike volunteers they are not aimed at making our world better.
– Why do the young organise their clubs?
– The young do not want to accept the world of the adults with their organisations for the teenagers. They rebel against it in different ways, sometimes in the form of creating their unofficial organisations and clubs. They organise according to their interests into different sub-cultural groups.
– Do you belong to any group or organisation?
– No, I do not. My elder brother used to be a Pioneer, but now such official or semi-official organisations do not attract me. For a couple of years I attended the meetings of the Tolkienists, acting as a little dwarf. Although I am still a great fan of Tolkien’s books, I do not think any longer that I should waste my time living an imaginary life in the imaginary world. The world we all are living in is full of wonders. There is always somebody who needs our help. A lot of my friends are supporters of Greenpeace, and I will soon join their actions. Greenpeace is doing a very important job of rescuing the nature. People of different ages help Greenpeace, and I believe that young people should participate in the activities of this organisation more actively.
– What do your friends do in their leisure time?
– As I have already said, some of my friends help Greenpeace. I still have many friends among the Tolkienists. Some of my friends are fond of RPGs. They meet every Saturday in groups of 5 or 6, They draw a map and for hours discuss the fates of their heroes. One game can last several months or sometimes a year. Although my best friend who is a Dungeon Master often invites me to join his RPG, I am sure that the real life is much more interesting than any imaginary adventures.
Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7…
Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something — coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.
As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a CD player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music.
Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things (politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a good time together.
Хобби то, что человек любит делать в свободное время. Хобби отличаются подобно вкусам. Если вы выбрали хобби согласно вашему характеру и вкусу, вы удачливы, потому что ваша жизнь становится более интересной. Самое популярное хобби — это делать что-то. Оно включает в себя широкий спектр действий от озеленения до путешествий, от шахмат до волейбола. Как взрослые, так и дети любят играть в различные компьютерные игры. Это хобби становится все более и более популярным. Создание чего-либо включает в себя рисунок, живопись, изделия кустарного промысла. Многие люди собирают что-то — монеты, марки, компакт-диски, игрушки, книги. Некоторые собрания имеют некоторую ценность. Богатые люди часто собирают картины, редкие вещи и другие предметы искусства. Часто такие частные собрания передаются музеям, библиотекам.
Что касается меня, я люблю слушать музыку. 3 месяца назад мои родители купили мне CD плеер, и я решил собирать компакт-диски. Мне нравится разная музыка, она должна быть хорошей. Я собираю диски моих любимых групп и певцов. Я тщательно изучаю информацию, напечатанную на обложках. Я пытаюсь найти все о моих любимых певцах. Также я люблю смотреть музыкальные программы на телевидении. Я хочу идти в ногу с новостями в мире музыки.
Конечно, мне нравится проводить свободное время со своими друзьями. Мы говорим на различные темы (политика, преподаватели, девочки). Мы обсуждаем фильмы, книги, телевизионные программы. В хорошую погоду нам нравится быть на открытом воздухе. Мы находим хорошее место где-нибудь в лесу. Мы разводим костер, печем картофель и нам очень весело. Когда погода плоха, мои друзья приходят ко мне. Мы хорошо проводим время вместе.
—[существительное] хобби, увлечение
(pastime, infatuation)
new hobby — новое хобби
любимое занятие
(favorite activity)
(hobby falcon)
Транскрипция : [ ˈhɒbi ]
to have a hobby, indulge in a hobby, pursue a hobby — иметь хобби, увлекаться чем-л.
to pursue a hobby — иметь хобби
hobby computing — любительские вычисления, вычисления в порядке хобби
hobby computer — вычислительная машина для любительского использования
fashionable hobby — модное увлечение
hobby beekeeping — любительское пчеловодство
hobby book — книга об увлечениях; сборник увлечений
hobby-horse — палочка с лошадиной головой; конь-качалка
hobby horsical — из области капризов и прихотей; причудливый; излюбленный
hobby-horsical — из области капризов и прихотей; причудливый; прихотливый
What are your hobbies
Какие у тебя увлечения?
Susan»s hobbies
include reading, cooking, and drama.
Сьюзен хобби: чтение, кулинария, и Драма.
Retirement gave him the time to pursue his hobbies
Пенсию дали ему время, чтобы вести его хобби.
My hobby
is gardening
Мое хобби-садоводство
Our mutual hobby
of car racing
наше взаимное увлечение гоночный автомобиль
He seemed to be married to his hobby
Казалось, будто кроме его хобби ничего другого для него не существовало.
Photography is an expensive hobby
Фотография-это дорогое хобби.
Топик на английском про хобби для начинающих. My hobby — тема «Мое хобби» на английском языке. Как рассказать о хобби на английском? Подсказки
Hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time. It isn’t connected to your job, but you engage in it regularly, because you like it a lot. Often, it brings you not only pleasure during the process, but also satisfaction with the results. You develop your skills and learn new things.
Hobbies may be creative, like singing, playing some musical instrument, drawing or handicraft. Many hobbies are related to amateur sports, like skating, skiing, yoga, pilates, dancing, aerobics, swimming. Some hobbies are quite useful domestic activities, like cooking, sewing or knitting.
As for me, my hobbies are quite different. Fitness is my number one hobby. I enjoy movement and physical exercise. Usually I have five trainings a week: two gym workouts, one stretching and two Dance Hall lessons. I don’t get tired, because I like what I do. I am always in a good humor after intensive training.
My second hobby is cooking. Cooking a delicious dinner is a usual part of my everyday schedule. I like Italian and Asian cuisine most of all: pasta, pizza, vegetable and fruit salads, sushi, Japanese soups, spicy Korean snacks and hot Chinese dishes with chicken or pork.
I also have a musical hobby – playing the guitar and singing songs. I do it seldom at home though. My friends and I often go on picnics and I take my guitar. We like to walk in the forest, eat sandwiches and make a bonfire. Then everybody sits around, I play the guitar and we sing funny songs.
I think that everybody needs a hobby. It is more interesting than spending all your free time in front of the computer or the TV. Movies and video games may be captivating, but hobbies make our everyday life more bright and diverse. Moreover, most of them develop our skills and broaden our minds. They say that switching to another activity is the most effective way to rest. Hobbies are just perfect for that.
Хобби – это деятельность, которой ты любишь заниматься в свободное время. Она не имеет отношения к работе, но ты занимаешься ею регулярно, потому что тебе очень нравится. Зачастую она приносит тебе не только удовольствие от процесса, но также и удовлетворение от результата. Ты развиваешь свои навыки и выучиваешь что-то новое.
Хобби могут быть творческими, например, пение, игра на каком-нибудь музыкальном инструменте, рисование или изготовление поделок. Многие хобби связаны с любительским спортом, например, катание на роликах, лыжах, йога, пилатес, танцы, аэробика, плавание. Некоторые хобби – это весьма полезные бытовые занятия, такие как кулинария, шитье или вязание.
Что касается меня, мои хобби довольно разные. Фитнес для меня хобби номер один. Мне нравится движение и физические нагрузки. Обычно у меня пять тренировок в неделю: две тренировки в зале, один стречинг и два урока по дэнс-холлу. Я не устаю, потому что мне нравится то, что я делаю. У меня всегда хорошее настроение после интенсивной тренировки.
Мое второе хобби – это кулинария. Приготовление вкусного ужина – постоянная часть моего дневного распорядка. Больше всего мне нравятся итальянская и азиатская кухни: паста, пицца, овощные и фруктовые салаты, суши, японские супы, пикантные корейские закуски и острые китайские блюда с курицей или свининой.
Также у меня есть музыкальное хобби – я играю на гитаре и пою песни. Правда, я редко делаю это дома. Мы с друзьями часто устраиваем пикники, и я беру с собой гитару. Мы любим прогуляться по лесу, поесть бутербродов и развести костер. Затем все садятся вокруг, я играю на гитаре, и мы поем веселые песни.
I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. That’s why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: Such as reading detective stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. It’s not only interesting, but also very useful. When you try to solve the puzzle you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and this unites us very much.
Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs. Some people like to cook, others like to knitter sew. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only «wasting time» as some people say.
Computer games make us to think things over proper-ly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is…
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
Spare Time, My Hobby
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long that they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it’s even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, and a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass away their free time. Nowadays people spend ours watching different informational, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are listening to the radio, reading books, painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of quite rambles or walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters. Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those who take got really interested in some field of activity, which has become something favorite and admired. A «hobby» is a special interest or activity that you do in you free time off. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits or go fishing. They train dogs to do tricks or keep pageants to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or rare tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or their motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster. Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps or postcards or pictures of a favorite football or pop star. Many people make things as a hobby. I have several hobbies which occupy me after school, both in and out of the house. Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework. Everyday I have not much time to relax. In that period I usually rest after hard school day, listen to music, watch TV and videos, read books and magazines. Computer is one of my main hobbies and interests. I choose computer technology as one of my options and now I study in Belarussian State University in that field of science. Sometimes I play games to relax. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in World Wide Web. I use Internet for educational process, for finding special technical literature in different subjects and of cause for fun. I have a great number of web friends and we like to spend a lot of time talking to one another.
Also I have great interest in computer programming. Moreover I have big collection of cd-disks and records. They include reggae, pop, classical, jazz, easy listening. My mum always telling me off for putting my hi-fi on too loud. Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. It keeps me fit and happy. I can say with confidence that reading is my favorite hobby. Books brings pleasure and delight. Besides books help to mould a persons character from his moral values. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly and of cause books is the richest source of information. Sometimes my friends and I exchange opinions about books, speak about them, exchange books. Among my favorite gainers are fantasy, philosophy and technical literature. I think that hobbies and interests are an important factor of life. They help to form person, to relax and forget problems for a short while. They can be fun, educational, satisfying and also you can pursuer them when you are old and retired.
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to waste it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. People can choose everything from sport to spending a good time in the country according to desires. And there are a lot of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. And activity is much better then doing nothing. The most active way, in my opinion is go in for sport. You can do sports all the year round because there are a lot of kinds of sport for all seasons. Basketball, Football players are always on stadiums. And in winter a lot of ski-walkers occupy the snowy slopes and skaters walk on ice of stadiums and icy rivers. Moreover it can be risking sports, which is more exiting to do. Doing such kind of sport you feel that our life doesn’t stay it’s going forward. Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. Because they often have interesting ideas of spending free time and it’s much better to spend free time with them. Nowadays music occupies the most part of people’s mind among teenagers especially. People communicate according to their music tastes. They visit disco clubs, concert halls to listen music and to dance. People also have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth. Some people say that theatres are not popular nowadays but I think that a lot of people still enjoy the play of actors and marvelous productions of plays. And our theatres are world known. Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human. Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a genre according to your mood and read whatever you want. From magazines and papers you know the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology. But technology is developing so fast that such way of getting information becomes old. With developing of Internet information is available in each point of earth. Moreover it’s a way of communicating with people.
And people all over the world sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Children spend a lot of free time playing computer games. And statistic shows that 70% of users of Internet are teenagers. But some people prefer to go to a country to breath fresh air and resting or travel somewhere. Traveling becomes more and more popular. People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing. And all resorts are full in the time of holidays. As for me I think that the most exciting leisure time spending can be all activities like sport or traveling somewhere with friends because I never feel bored with my friends. For example every holiday I go somewhere with my best friend from Moscow. And we always have a good time wherever we go. And I think that everyone can find an occupation. Maybe in some countries people have more opportunities for recreation because of the new inventions or another factors. But I think that each man can travel everywhere and try each way of spending free time. Moreover the city where we live give us a lot of places to go. And from day to day the number of places of interest grows. But the only thing that is necessary for citizens is fresh air and little islands of nature. People need to walk in the parks that become more and more rare. In spite of this people always can find a way to spend leisure time. Because our world is full of new interesting and exiting thing that every man want to explore.
A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time. It is something done entirely for pleasure. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is known that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous amateur painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other objects d’art. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
As for as I am concerned, I was always fond of collecting stamps. My mother had started collecting stamps long before I was born. She gave me her six albums of stamps as a birthday present when I was twelve. Then I continued collecting stamps myself. It helped me to learn a lot about other countries and other peoples’ traditions, the world’s fauna and flora. I used to bring the albums to school and sometimes exchanged stamps with my schoolmates.
About a year ago my parents bought me a tape recorder and I decided to collect tapes. I am fond of listening to music. I like rock and pop music and classical music too. Now I collect tapes of my favourite groups and singers. I also try to find out everything about the singers I like. I read specialised magazines and try not to miss musical shows on TV, because I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I write letters to some fan clubs in other countries, so I have to brush up my English. I never miss a concert by my favourite group if they come to our city.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.
Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.
Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well — built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.
My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
1. What is your hobby?
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you choose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
Мое хобби
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день.
Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол.
Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться проигрывать, а это не всегда легко.
В моей любимой поговорке говорится «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.
Leisure time
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests. Teenagers unite in specific organisations.
The first organisation that brought together thousands of teenagers in different countries was that of the Scouts. The aim of this association was originally to train boys in various different skills such as lighting a fire and to develop their character. Now the Scouts are active all around the world. The motto of the Scouts is «Be Prepared.» After the October Revolution a similar Pioneer organisation was created in Russia. The Pioneers were supported and sponsored by the government. Now the Pioneers do not exist in our country.
The Scouts and Pioneers were the first, but not the only organisations of the young people. For example today the volunteer movement is extremely popular among the teenagers. It dates back to the year 1921, when a French soldier decided to restore a German house after World War I free of charge. The movement flourished only in the late 1990s when young people of Europe and the United States went to different parts of the world helping local communities to solve their problems. Today volunteerism is very popular in American community and political life. Volunteerism implies assisting people through privately initiated agencies. Volunteers do not receive any salary for what they are doing, but at the same time their work is highly motivated. They react very quickly, immediately coming to help to whoever may need it. There are several types of volunteer work: workcamps, mid-term and long-term volunteering projects. Any young man from any continent can come to workcamps. These camps attain certain objectives in social, ecological, archaeological fields. Usually all works are done under the supervision of professionals. The mid-and long-term projects usually concern the social sphere. They include assistance to children, old people, crippled or immigrants. Volunteer fund-raising groups unite to help the needy in all spheres. They can do almost any work that is necessary. Volunteers can be found in any part of the globe. In the United States six out of ten pupils are members of some volunteer organisations.
All three organisations that were mentioned above are more or less formal. At the same time there are many informal associations of teenagers. Very often they are not even registered, and if they are, no one cares about what they are doing. No records are kept of their activities. They emerge, evolve and disintegrate without leaving trace in history. Nevertheless such organisations are extremely important for their participants. They serve as a means for teenagers to express themselves, meet new friends that have common interests, discuss problems that are really important to them. Quite often a famous book, a movie or a musical band can serve as an impulse for creating such organisations. Fan clubs of different rock and pop groups are numerous. Fan clubs usually consist of teenagers. Members of such clubs listen collectively to their favourite songs, attend concerts, write letters to their idols.
The most spectacular example of unofficial organisation is presented by the Tolkienist movement. J.R.R. Tolkien, the famous British writer created a magic world of elves, dwarves, and hob-bits. Any person who likes Tolkien’s novels can become a Tolkienist. This community is open to everyone; young people come and go, they choose a race, becoming, for example, an elf or a goblin. Their imagination will carry them as far as they want. In Russia Tolkien is extremely popular now. In Moscow there are several places where his fans assemble to share their views and ideas.
Other teenagers go much further. They are not satisfied with the world they are living in, and the worlds created by others do not attract them either. They create their own worlds and universes. In this context Role-Playing Games (also called RPG) should be mentioned. The first RPG was Dungeons and Dragons (D’n’D), a Dungeon Muster (DM) is responsible for outlining the rules of the newly created world, while other players act as the inhabitants of this world, Participating in such activity can be really thrilling, but the danger of quitting the real world for an imaginary one is always present. Such groups and organisations are escapists in their essence. Unlike volunteers they are not aimed at making our world better.
– Why do the young organise their clubs?
– The young do not want to accept the world of the adults with their organisations for the teenagers. They rebel against it in different ways, sometimes in the form of creating their unofficial organisations and clubs. They organise according to their interests into different sub-cultural groups.
– Do you belong to any group or organisation?
– No, I do not. My elder brother used to be a Pioneer, but now such official or semi-official organisations do not attract me. For a couple of years I attended the meetings of the Tolkienists, acting as a little dwarf. Although I am still a great fan of Tolkien’s books, I do not think any longer that I should waste my time living an imaginary life in the imaginary world. The world we all are living in is full of wonders. There is always somebody who needs our help. A lot of my friends are supporters of Greenpeace, and I will soon join their actions. Greenpeace is doing a very important job of rescuing the nature. People of different ages help Greenpeace, and I believe that young people should participate in the activities of this organisation more actively.
– What do your friends do in their leisure time?
– As I have already said, some of my friends help Greenpeace. I still have many friends among the Tolkienists. Some of my friends are fond of RPGs. They meet every Saturday in groups of 5 or 6, They draw a map and for hours discuss the fates of their heroes. One game can last several months or sometimes a year. Although my best friend who is a Dungeon Master often invites me to join his RPG, I am sure that the real life is much more interesting than any imaginary adventures.
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My Hobby (1)
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day. Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball. I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I»m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in
for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man
to be strong and well-built. Sport is not for weak, because, you
have to learn how to lose, and it»s not easy. My favourite
proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
Мое хобби (1)
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, Мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день. Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол. Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку. Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым, и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому
что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо
сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться
проигрывать, а это не всегда легко. В моей любимой поговорке
говорится: «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
1. What is your
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you chose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
to jog — бегать
to skating — кататься на коньках
to skiing — кататься на лыжах
competition — соревнование
shape — форма
health — здоровье
slim — стройный
trim — в хорошей форме
weak — слабый
to lose — проигрывать
Сегодня речь пойдет о хобби – любимом занятии, которому мы посвящаем свободное время. В мире современных технологий, когда космические корабли не только бороздят просторы, но и доставляют экипаж и грузы на околоземную и окололунную орбиту, так много современных увлечений, что каждый день можно открывать для себя что-то новое.
Десятку самых необычных увлечений открывает благотворительность. Сегодня ею занимаются не только богатые люди мира сего, но и все те, кто как-то хочет помочь нуждающимся. Далее следует коллекционирование, фотография и чтение, туризм и изучение иностранного языка.
Hobby – хобби, увлечение, любимое занятие, страсть
To have a hobby, go in for a hobby, pursue a hobby – иметь хобби, увлекаться
Синонимами к слову хобби являются “avocation ”, “pastime ”, “recreation ”. Противоположными словами по значению являются “business ”, “calling ”, “labour ”, “livelihood ”, “profession ”.
Кроме того, хобби еще можно назвать “hobby-horse”
They say that it’s useful to be a hardworking person in this life, but this question can be a stumbling block. As you start thinking about your free time you come to conclusion that your pastime should be something special as for example reading which is very popular now. Among thousands of books that come from different spots of the planet your main task is to choose the best one that will grab your attention. And this smell of just published book makes me dependent on it. With every page trying to catch the meaning I become more and more perplexed, and meanwhile I understand that I haven’t got a clue about what I like more – the reading or the feeling of being inside of the book.
As Anais Nin said “I can elect something I love and absorb myself in it.”
The same goes with me.Walking Indian file every page reaches the bottom of my heart leaving the feeling of happiness and pleasure. To stay in the dark while reading is such a delight which makes us to be better off and get used to this feeling. What is more reading can be breathtaking when you hold a fresh book and have a free time to read.
Hobby is something more than just interest. It can change your life leaving you inside of surreal film set and or fearful ship, or outside letting you feel the romanticism of the skyline when you sit in front of the sun eating the comfort food.
As Alan Bennett said “Books are not about passing time. They’re about other lives. Other worlds. Far from wanting time to pass, one just wishes one had more of it. If one wanted to pass the time one could go to New Zealand.”
Different people have different hobbies and it is obvious that it makes them stronger. Somebody likes cooking or travelling, dancing or sport, painting or composing the music. But in spite of the fact that we love different things, they make out life colourful and bright.
Говорят, что в этой жизни полезно быть человеком трудолюбивым, но этот вопрос может быть камнем преткновения. Как только ты начинаешь думать о своем свободном времени, то приходишь к выводу, что собственное времяпровождение должно быть каким-то особенным, как, например, чтение, которое сейчас снова популярно. Среди тысяч книг, которые приходят из разных точек планеты, основная задача – выбрать лучшую, которая захватит твое внимание. И этот запах только что напечатанной книги делает меня зависимым от нее. С каждой страницей, пытаясь поймать смысл, я становлюсь все более и более озадаченной и в этот момент я понимаю, что совершенно не имею понятия, что мне нравится больше – чтение или ощущение быть внутри книги.
Как сказала Анаис Нин «Я могу решить, что я люблю и увлечь себя этим». Тоже самое происходит и со мной.
Идя одна за одной, страницы достигают глубины моей души, оставляя ощущение радости и удовольствия. Оставаться в неизвестности во время чтения – такое наслаждение, которое заставляет нас становиться богаче и привыкать к этому чувству. Более того, чтение может захватывающим, когда ты держишь в руках свежую книгу и располагаешь свободным временем, чтобы почитать.
Хобби – это нечто большее, чем интерес. Хобби может изменить жизнь, оставляя тебя внутри сюрреалистичной съемочной площадки или устрашающего корабля, или снаружи – позволяя чувствовать романтизм линии горизонта, когда ты сидишь напротив солнца и ешь невероятно вкусную еду.
Как сказал Алан Беннетт «Книги не о проживании дней. Они о других жизнях. О других мирах. Желая не только проживать жизнь, некоторые просто хотят этого, в то время, как другие уже добились большего. Если кто-то хотел проживать дни, иной человек мог отправиться в Новую Зеландию».
У разных людей разные хобби и очевидно, что это делает их сильнее. Кто-то любит кулинарию или путешествие, танцы или спорт, рисование или написание музыки. Но, несмотря на то, что мы любит разные вещи, они делают нашу жизнь красочной и яркой.
Hobby is a person’s favorite occupation , something that he likes doing in free time. It is very important for us to do what we are really interested in and what we are good at. It lets us show our worth and become aware of the importance and usefulness of our life.
Usually people choose hobbies according to their interests. Some people are fond of collecting different things. They collect coins, postcards, toys, objects of art and stamps. I have a friend Vika. Collecting coins is her hobby. She is a numismatist and her collection includes about 100 different coins. Others like to draw pictures or they are fond of singing. Thus, everything depends on person.
As far as my interests are concerned, my favorite occupation is reading. I like to read story books, detectives, historical books and any kind of material that I find interesting. I like to read because my grandmother always read me some fairy tales and stories during my childhood . When I was about 10 my parents always bought me books to read. They always told me that habit of reading is one of the best traits that a man can boast . Now I read about anything that is available . Reading enables me to learn about so many new things. I learn about some historical facts, different human achievements , space travels and other fascinating things of our world. My room is full of different books and I dream of becoming a writer.
My younger brother, on the opposite , is not hopping to make his computer hobby his future profession. He just plays computer games and doesn’t see any sense in combining career with hobby. It simply became his favourite activity in his leisure time and is helping him to relax. I respect his choice. But anyway it is great, when your hobby is your profession.
Перевод текста My hobby. Мое хобби. Мое любимое занятие
Хобби – это любимое занятие человека, это то, что он любит делать в свободное время. Для нас очень важно заниматься тем, что действительно интересует и что получается. Это помогает нам проявить себя и почувствовать свою важность и небесполезность.
Обычно люди выбирают хобби в соответствии со своими интересами. Одни люди любят коллекционировать различные вещи. Они собирают монеты, игрушки, произведения искусства и марки. У меня есть подруга Вика. Коллекционирование монет – ее хобби. Она нумизмат и ее коллекция включает около 100 различных монет. Другие любят рисовать картины или петь. Таким образом, все зависит от человека.
Что касается моих интересов, то я люблю читать. Я люблю читать рассказы, детективы, исторические книги и любой материал, который кажется мне интересным. Я люблю читать, потому что моя бабушка всегда читала мне сказки и рассказы в детстве. Когда мне было около 10, мои родители всегда покупали мне книги для чтения. Они всегда говорили мне, что привычка читать – это одна из лучших черт, которой может гордиться человек. Сейчас я читаю все, что доступно. Чтение позволяет мне узнать так много нового. Я узнаю о некоторых исторических фактах, различных достижениях человечества, путешествиях в космос и других замечательных вещах нашего мира. В моей комнате полно различных книг и я мечтаю стать писателем.
Мой младший брат, напротив, не надеется сделать свое увлечение компьютерами своей будущей профессией. Он просто играет в компьютерные игры и не видит смысла соединять карьеру и хобби. Это просто стало его любимым занятием в свободное время и помогает ему расслабиться. Я уважаю его выбор. Но, в любом случае, замечательно, когда твое хобби – это твоя профессия.
Дополнительные выражения
- hobby/occupation – занятие, хобби
- importance – важность
- usefulness – полноценность, небесполезность, польза
- collecting – коллекционирование
- object of art – произведение искусства
- numismatist – нумизмат
- childhood – детство
- trait – черта, особенность
- to boast – хвастаться, гордиться
- available – доступный
- to enable – позволять, разрешать
- to learn – учить, узнавать о
- human achievement – достижение человечества
- fascinating – замечательный
- on the opposite – напротив
- leisure time – свободное время
bitsian — Определение всего
студент Бирлаского института технологий и науки (биты), Пилани, считающегося лучшим частным университетом Индии.
также относится к любому факультету, выпускнику или любому объекту, даже отдаленно связанному с битами пилани.
множественное число: битцианцы
чувак, он битцианец!
битский жаргон — это так здорово!
большинство битцев — болваны
тот, кто не смог поступить в индийский технологический институт.
тот, кто имеет диплом с отличием и понятия не имеет, что это значит.
один застрял в деревушке под названием Пилани.
любой несчастный человек, застрявший в сестринских учреждениях пилани, напр. Гоа, Хайдарабад, Дубай.
тот, у кого нет посещаемости.
Я горжусь тем, что я битциан.
битцев не имеют технических знаний.
битсиан п-сс через битсат.
я битциан и ненавижу пилани.
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Отказ от ответственности: определение / значение bitsian не следует считать полным, актуальным и не предназначенным для использования вместо визита, консультации или совета юридического, медицинского или любого другого специалиста. Весь контент на этом сайте предназначен только для информационных целей.
IITs против BITS Pilani: что бы вы выбрали
Индийских технологических института (ИИТ) были провозглашены ведущими инженерными институтами Индии с тех пор, как они были созданы в Харагпуре в 1951 году.Экзамен IIT JEE, экзамен национального уровня для учащихся 12-го класса для поступления в ИИТ, затмил тогдашние известные экзамены IAS, поскольку был самым строгим процессом отбора и отбором самых выдающихся и талантливых кандидатов, подходящих для работы в качестве инженеров. На протяжении многих лет сотрудники IIT работали очень хорошо. Также читайте — набор RPSC 2022: заявки приглашены на 53 сообщения на rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Институт технологий и науки Бирла (BITS) Пилани был основан в 1964 году. параллельно с IIT, помогая Индии оставить след на карте мировых технологий.Это, пожалуй, единственный в Индии вступительный экзамен по техническим наукам, который также оценивает студентов по их логическому мышлению и навыкам английского языка. Читайте также: Бюджет на 2022 год: Гита Гопинат из МВФ ожидает, что Индия решит проблему неравномерного восстановления, сосредоточит внимание на здравоохранении и образовании
Вот некоторые факты, которые помогут вам сравнить IIT и BITS Pilani и сделать выводы, к какой из них вы хотели бы присоединиться: Читайте также: UPSC NDA, NA I 2022: сегодня последний день, чтобы зарегистрироваться на 400 сообщений, подайте заявку сейчас на upsconline.nic.in
Предприниматели из IITs vs Предприниматели из BITS Pilani
Предпринимательская культура в кампусе является важным критерием для измерения успеха инженерного учреждения. Выпускники Массачусетского технологического института (MIT), например, основали компании, общий доход которых в 2014 году составил около 2 триллионов долларов. Учитывая, что ВВП Индии в 2015 году составляет всего 1,88 триллиона долларов, совокупная стоимость предприятий выпускников MIT превышает всю нашу экономику!
сотрудника ИИТ являются основателями нескольких престижных стартапов в Индии и за рубежом.Некоторые из известных:
Основатель | Компания | Alma Mater | 8 9007. Нараяна Мурти | Инфосис | ИИТ-Канпур |
Рохит Bansal | Snapdeal | ИИТ-Дели |
Аюш Vashney, Сахил Baghla | Bluepage | ИИТ-Канпур |
Адитья Сингал, Nishant Синха | Transweb | ИИТ-Дели |
Sachin Bansal и Binny Bansal | Flipkart | ИИТ-Дели |
Sankalp Агарвал, Sanchit Garg, Prabhat Гупта | Путешествия Треугольник | ИИТ-Харагпур, ИИТ-Bombay , IIT-Guwahati |
Общий доход выпускников IIT во всем мире составляет 1 триллион долларов, из которых предприниматели вносят около 170 миллиардов долларов.Около 1 75 000 выпускников ИИТ, потерявших сознание за последние 54 года, создали около 15 миллионов рабочих мест – в среднем по 100 рабочих мест на каждого выпускника!
BITS Выпускники Pilani также основали несколько успешных компаний. Некоторые из известных стартапов основаны или соучредитель BITSians включает:
Основатель | компании |
Преетиша Нижгавана | Akmai Технологии |
Сабир Бхатии | HOTMAIL |
Гюллю Mirchandani | Onida |
Фаниндр Самого, Sudhakar Pasupunuri, Чаран Padmaraju | redBus |
Gagan Chaddha | Значения первых |
Manojr Саксен | Webify |
Некоторые другие недавние запуски включают GharPay , Zivame, Exotel, Scripbox, Online Prasad, Grey Orange Robotics, Forus Health, BigBasket и Attune.
Считается, что BITS Pilani предлагает своим студентам лучшее знакомство и всестороннее развитие. опережает ИИТ с точки зрения предпринимателей, которые готовы что-то сделать для своей альма-матер. Это означает, что стартапы из BITS могут найти внутренних бизнес-ангелов по программе The Spark Angel. В группе более 60 бизнес-ангелов, которые обеспечивают финансирование новых предприятий на сумму от 50 000 до 250 000 долларов. Общая выручка компаний, основанных выпускниками BITS Pilani, пока недоступна.
Количество предпринимателей и количество выпускников
В 2014 г. ИИТ выпустили около 6500 инженеров. В прошлом году компания BITS Pilani выпустила около 2000 инженеров — менее 1/3 по сравнению с ИИТ. Естественно, есть больше представителей ИИТ, которые кажутся успешными и вносят больший вклад в индийскую экономику. Но это может быть только потому, что их больше. У BITS Pilani есть собственный «Центр инноваций, инкубации и предпринимательства», цель которого — вывести институт в тройку лучших научно-технических учреждений Индии к 2015 году и в число 25 лучших в Азии к 2020 году.
Выдающиеся лица в корпоративном мире
На некоторых наиболее видных должностях в корпоративном мире больше представителей IIT, чем BITS, но это может быть связано с количеством студентов, заканчивающих соответствующие институты. Вот некоторые из наиболее известных имен:
- Дипчанд «Дип» Нишар, член ИИТ, был самым высокооплачиваемым менеджером в LinkedIn до 2014 года. Он ушел с работы в октябре.Он является членом совета директоров TripAdvisor и компании-разработчика программного обеспечения Opower, а также работает консультантом в нескольких технологических компаниях.
- Никеш Арора, выпускник IIT-BHU, является одним из самых высокооплачиваемых сотрудников Google. Он является главным коммерческим директором и старшим вице-президентом компании.
- Сумитра Датта из ИИТ-Дели является деканом Школы менеджмента Корнельского университета.
- Винод Хосла из ИИТ-Дели снова стал соучредителем Sun Microsystems. Он является одной из самых влиятельных личностей в Силиконовой долине.
От BITS Pilani:
- Баба Кальяни является председателем Bharat Forge.
- Притхвирадж Чаван — главный министр Махараштры.
- Ракеш Капур — генеральный директор Reckitt Benckiser.
- Санджай Мехротра — президент и соучредитель SanDisk.
- Сунил Дуггал — генеральный директор Dabur).
Предлагаемые пакеты с максимальной и средней заработной платой
Согласно отчету BITS Pilani о размещении за 2014 год, 1002 студента (из 1060 студентов в группе) выбрали размещение в кампусе.Для домашних работ самый высокий предлагаемый пакет заработной платы составлял 40 лакхов, средний пакет заработной платы составлял 9,75 лакха, а самый низкий пакет заработной платы составлял 2 75 000 рупий. Для международных предложений о работе самый высокий пакет заработной платы составлял 108 000 долларов США, средний пакет заработной платы составлял 64 000 долларов США, а самый низкий пакет заработной платы составлял 13 000 долларов США.
В ИИТ самый высокий внутренний пакет составлял 42 лакха рупий, средний пакет заработной платы составлял около 13 лакхов в год, а самый низкий пакет заработной платы составлял около 7,36 лакха в год. Для международных предложений о работе в IIT самый высокий пакет заработной платы взлетел до 2 крор рупий, предлагаемых Facebook для девушки IIT Bombay.Сообщалось, что около 2-3% всей раздающей партии в IIT набрали более крор пакетов оплаты в кампусе 2015 года.
Можно с уверенностью сказать, что IIT-инициативники получают лучшие предложения о работе, чем BITS-а.
Академическая среда и внеклассные мероприятия
Когда дело доходит до среды колледжа и атмосферы кампуса, BITS Pilani превосходит IIT. Кампус BITS Pilani имеет хорошо спланированный кампус, библиотеки и общежития. Он также предлагает уникальную концепцию, когда учащиеся могут брать уроки у своих разных учителей.Его культурное мероприятие Grubs довольно популярно среди студентов инженерных специальностей.
Эксперты в области образования также считают, что BITS Pilani быстрее адаптируется к изменениям в сфере образования, чем ИИТ. В IIT студенты по-прежнему изучают инженерную графику, в то время как сотрудники BITS обучаются работе с AutoCad для инженерной графики, которую они изучают.
Плата Структура IIT по сравнению с BITS Плата Pilani
Поскольку IIT находится в ведении правительства, обучение в IIT сильно субсидируется. Студенты общей категории B.Tech в ИИТ платят от 60 000 до 70 000 рупий за семестр.Чтобы воспользоваться общежитием и столовой, кандидаты должны заплатить за семестр около 30 000 рупий.
во время поступления, нужно заплатить:
- RS 67,786 в IIT Bombay,
- RS 5635 в IIT Delhi,
- RS 66 517 в IIT Kanpur,
- RS 57 876 в IT Kharagpur,
- RS 63 820 IIT Roorkeee и
- 54 927 рупий в IIT Madras.
БИТЫ Pilani дороже. Плата за семестр в BITS-Pilani для партии 2014 года составляла 89 500 рупий за семестр, которая, как ожидается, будет увеличена на 15% для приема в 2015 году.В 2013 году плата за общежитие в BITS составляла около 6500 рупий за семестр. Поскольку BITS Pilani старается держаться подальше от государственного вмешательства и пытается предоставить своим студентам лучшую инфраструктуру и лучших преподавателей, эксперты в области образования считают, что институт имеет право взимать более высокую плату.
Инфраструктура BITS в сравнении с инфраструктурой IIT
И кампусы IIT, и кампусы BITS Pilani в целом имеют качественную инфраструктуру. Однако многие новые ИИТ не имеют даже собственных постоянных кампусов.Многие из них сталкиваются с острой нехваткой преподавателей и отсутствием инфраструктуры. BITS имеет ограниченное количество хорошо зарекомендовавших себя кампусов и, как известно, регулярно модернизирует свою инфраструктуру мирового класса, следуя за изменениями в технологиях.
Уровень конверсии IIM
Тенденции IIT показывают, что около 4-5% студентов начинают подготовку к CAT сразу после окончания учебы. Через 2–5 лет 40–60 % специалистов IIT начинают обращаться к IIM для получения степени MBA. Многие сотрудники ИИТ также добились успеха на государственной службе.
50-70% Студенты BITS Pilani тоже предпочитают учиться в IIM после нескольких лет качественного опыта работы. Около 10-20% сотрудников BITS занимаются исследовательской работой в Индии и за рубежом. Однако, похоже, не многие студенты BITS Pilani идут на государственную службу.
Количество и качество профессорско-преподавательского состава
BITS Пилани безоговорочно выигрывает, когда речь идет о привлечении отличных преподавателей из Индии и других стран. Он предлагает более высокую заработную плату и больше свободы своему преподавательскому составу. С другой стороны, нехватка преподавателей в различных ИИТ часто становится предметом внимания СМИ.Чтобы преодолеть острую нехватку преподавателей, ИИТ начали агрессивные кампании по привлечению выпускников и докторантов из ведущих университетов мира, чтобы они присоединились к ним на должностях преподавателей. Многие новые ИИТ зависят от приглашенных преподавателей или приглашенных преподавателей для проведения своих занятий.
По мнению экспертов в области образования и отрасли, старые IIT и BITS Pilani практически не уступают друг другу по качеству предлагаемого ими образования. Таким образом, если у вас есть выбор между 6 лучшими IIT и BITS Pilani, вы можете легко выбрать IIT, поскольку он будет более доступным и предлагает своим студентам отличную платформу для обучения и карьерного роста.Тем не менее, новые ИИТ еще не зарекомендовали себя и борются с рядом проблем, таких как нехватка преподавателей и отсутствие надлежащей инфраструктуры. Следовательно, если вам нужно выбирать между более новым IIT и BITS Pilani, последний кажется более разумным выбором.
Изображение предоставлено: Getty Images
Sans | Удивительный день Wiki
Информация:Получено с помощью 8-битного Sans Bone на Standless
(пассивный A) Сильные грудные клетки: вы получаете только 50% первоначального урона от атак врагов.(обратите внимание, что некоторые стойки/спецификации могут обойти это).
(пассивный эффект B) Решимость: Ваша скорость ходьбы увеличивается, что облегчает убийство врагов.
(Пассивный C) Уклонение: Вы уклоняетесь от любой атаки, телепортируясь в другое место. (Также показывает полосу уклонения)
Набор перемещений:(X — Изменить режим)
Пользователь может переключаться между атакой костей на Gaster Blasters
Костяной режим(ЛКМ — Бросок кости)
Пользователь бросает 2 кости противнику, нанося 50 единиц урона каждой кости
(E — Кости Ада)
Пользователь бросает в противника 7 костей, каждая из которых наносит 25 единиц урона.
(R — Самонаводящиеся кости)
Пользователь бросает 2 кости, которые возвращаются к ближайшему человеку, нанося 35 единиц урона каждой из них.(Скорость костей может варьироваться в зависимости от того, насколько далеко находится цель)
(Т — Телекинез Захват)
Пользователь захватывает врага своим телекинезом и разбивает его так быстро, что даже не замечает его приближения и наносит 50 единиц урона + сильное отбрасывание.
(F — Последняя кость)
Пользователь бросает большую самонаводящуюся кость в ближайшую цель, нанося 100 единиц урона
(Последняя кость не видна из-за ее размера и скорости)
(В — Санс Телепорт)
Телепортирует на пару шипов вперед.
(Z — Gaster Blaster Ride)
Прыгайте на Gaster Blaster, чтобы кататься по карте. Наносит 35 единиц урона , если вступает в контакт с другим игроком.
Режим Gaster Blaster(ЛКМ — Один бластер Гастера)
Выстрелить из Gaster Blaster в точку, где находится мышь, нанося 2 единицы урона за каждое попадание с течением времени. (Хитбоксы перепутаны у всех гастер-бластеров, кроме финального бластера. Чтобы нанести урон вашей цели, она должна стоять в центре взрыва)
(E — Двойные бластеры Gaster)
Пользователь призывает 2 гастер-бластеров, стреляя ими в своего противника, нанося 2 единицы урона с течением времени.
(R — тройной бластер Gaster)
Пользователь призывает 3 гастер-бластера, стреляя ими в своего противника, нанося 2 единицы урона с течением времени.
(Т — Телекинез Захват)
Пользователь захватывает врага своим телекинезом и разбивает его так быстро, что даже не замечает его приближения и наносит 50 единиц урона + сильное отбрасывание.
(F — Final Gaster Blaster)
Пользователь вызывает большой гастер-бластер, который стреляет им в противника, нанося 7,5 единиц урона с течением времени.
(в настоящее время не работает)
(H — Gaster Blaster: Formation Omega)
Схватите врага и зарядите энергетическую сферу четырьмя гастер-бластерами, наносящими 100 ед. урона за сыгранный удар.
(В — Санс Телепорт)
Телепортирует на пару шипов вперед.
(Z — Gaster Blaster Ride)
Прыгайте на Gaster Blaster, чтобы кататься по карте.Наносит 35 единиц урона , если вступает в контакт с другим игроком.
Да, я скопировал Трелло
Undertale: Gaster, the Insane SkeleDad — С первого взгляда Санс выглядел бы безумным
«Я пойду внутрь.» Ториэль встала «Я иду в библиотеку, если возникнут проблемы, немедленно позвони мне.»Нет проблем, Тори» Санс подождал пока Ториэль скроется из виду «Хорошо, Гастер давай поговорим…»
‘Санс ты знаешь, почему у тебя болит глаз… Не так ли? Санс улыбнулся, это было вынужденно «Я тебя не верну, я пытался, у меня получилось, ты убил… Я могу с этим справиться…» Санс вздохнул «Почему ты в моем голова… Как ты в моей голове…» Санс не мог не почувствовать ухмылку от человека, чье лицо не было там . — Точно… Убил, больше не буду… Даю тебе слово, как друга. Кроме того, это просто доказывает, что я могу сильно изменить временные рамки». Санс рассмеялся: «Ну, Га…» Он услышал крик: «Я разберусь с этим.Санс вбежал в дом с ярким пламенем в глазах, еще одним криком. Он повернулся и увидел, что Фриск сидит совершенно бесчувственно, а Папирус дрожит от страха. «Хорошо, кто из вас включил фильм ужасов.»
Санс вздохнул, он был наполовину от облегчения, что Фриск не собиралась всех убивать, и наполовину разозлился, потому что Фриск включила фильм ужасов, и если Тори узнает, он наверняка умрет… Что ж, будет много «Ты уверен, что сможешь заснуть, братан?» Папирус слегка рассмеялся: «Ну, ЕСЛИ Я, ВЕЛИКИЙ ПАПИРУС, НЕ СМОЖУ СПАТЬ! Я обязательно попрошу у вас совета!» Папирус чувствовал себя лучше, но, вероятно, ему понадобится больше, чем ночник, чтобы хорошо выспаться сегодня ночью.
Ториэль огляделась. Супермаркет оказался не таким супер, как она себе представляла. Она вспомнила, как Чара рассказала ей об этом… Они рисовали картинки, чтобы это выглядело как испытание силы и скорости, чтобы добыть еду и тому подобное, но она предполагала, что у Чары отличное чувство юмора… Временами мрачные, но они всегда пытался «Ну, это было давно… Я не увижу их еще долго…» Ториэль положила яблоко в свою корзину «О, привет, Тори…» Голос сказал сзади: «Ториэль I значит!»
мед пчелиная матка(кошмар)
мед пчелиная матка(кошмар)ОН ВЫГЛЯДИТ ТАК МИЛЫМ Боже мой
Я рисую сатану, я имею в виду чернику без извинений
Эй, смотри. Фанарт об ошибке, который я сделал в основном потому, что мне нужна фотография профиля, хе-
(смеется, я не могу рисовать головы в своем телефоне)
Это какой-то дерьмовый лол!
(карандаш там, так что вы можете видеть, какие маленькие Рен и Дейзи)
Судно 3-го дня Инктобера
Дейзи:привет, Рен
Рен:да братан что?
*Дейзи толкает Рена в океан*
Дейзи: хе-хе-хе
Дейзи, что ты делаешь с этим ножом?
Я сделал ему голову слишком большой :’d
İnktober день 2 костюм!
Я испортил левый рог, надеюсь, вам все равно понравится 🥲
Я хотел присоединиться, поэтому я сделал это, хотя я немного опоздал и не умею рисовать, лол!
Хм Интересно, что он сделал на этот раз?
Ой, мой малыш Дейзи, он всегда очарователен
Я старался рисовать как можно быстрее, поэтому в нем много ошибок, но все равно красиво 😀
Последняя карта резиденции Анкаратра, адрес, ближайшая станция и аэропорт 2022
Lot 0912 C 90 Manodidina ny Gara, Antsirabe, Antananarivo, Madagascar
450 м от аэропорта Antsirabe
«Хороший отель рядом со старымНомера современные, светлые, хорошо оборудованные, но слишком функциональные. Очень «деловой» не слишком большой «шарм»: все твердые поверхности и плитка. Ванная комната также функциональна, без каких-либо мягких штрихов. Полотенца были жесткими и тонкими. Вода работала нормально (не то, что вы всегда можете ожидать на Мадагаскаре в эти дни). В комнате нет ни кондиционера, ни отопления (ни вентилятора), поэтому ночью в комнате было немного душно. Если вы откроете окно, вы рискуете попасть внутрь комаров (нет москитной сетки).Завтрак был простым и опять же немного без обаяния. В вестибюле есть хороший небольшой магазинчик изделий ручной работы. Побыв несколько дней спустя в Королевском дворце (и осмотрев Ватолахи), я почувствовал, что в других отелях немного больше характера и несколько лучше, чем в Plumeria. Я бы с удовольствием остановился в Плюмерии еще раз, но, вероятно, сначала выбрал бы один из других.»
«Останавливались здесь на одну ночь по пути на юг из Андасибе в парки Раномафана. Не видели большую часть города, так как мы приехали поздно ночью и уехали рано утром — кажется, что этот отель здесь для остановки на отдых.Тем не менее, это удивительно современный отель, все кажется довольно новым, с красиво оформленным вестибюлем, рестораном сбоку, множеством сидячих мест и сувенирным магазином. Номера тоже современные со стильным дизайном, очень удобная кровать. Вкусная еда, домашний йогурт на завтрак — лучшее, что я где-либо пробовал.»
«Отель уютный и чистый. Он обеспечивает расслабление и легкость, необходимые путешественнику после долгой поездки. В сувенирном магазине есть интересные вещи по разумной цене на выбор гостей.Завтрак самый восхитительный. Вы можете выбрать один или два предмета или все в зависимости от вашего аппетита по той же цене, которую мы ранее заплатили. Хоть я и не ем так много, но знание того, что у меня так много вариантов, уже делает меня счастливым. C 90 Manodidina ny Gara, Анцирабе, Антананариву, Мадагаскар
450 м от аэропорта Анцирабе
«Хороший отель рядом со старым вокзалом.Номера современные, светлые, хорошо оборудованные, но слишком функциональные. Очень «деловой» не слишком большой «шарм»: все твердые поверхности и плитка. Ванная комната также функциональна, без каких-либо мягких штрихов. Полотенца были жесткими и тонкими. Вода работала нормально (не то, что вы всегда можете ожидать на Мадагаскаре в эти дни). В комнате нет ни кондиционера, ни отопления (ни вентилятора), поэтому ночью в комнате было немного душно. Если вы откроете окно, вы рискуете попасть внутрь комаров (нет москитной сетки).Завтрак был простым и опять же немного без обаяния. В вестибюле есть хороший небольшой магазинчик изделий ручной работы. Побыв несколько дней спустя в Королевском дворце (и осмотрев Ватолахи), я почувствовал, что в других отелях немного больше характера и несколько лучше, чем в Plumeria. Я бы с удовольствием остановился в Плюмерии еще раз, но, вероятно, сначала выбрал бы один из других.»
«Останавливались здесь на одну ночь по пути на юг из Андасибе в парки Раномафана. Не видели большую часть города, так как мы приехали поздно ночью и уехали рано утром — кажется, что этот отель здесь для остановки на отдых.